
anthem du jour

sunshine lover-small


nobody knows

so i remember hearing about this movie from one of my aunts a couple of years ago, but i only just watched it yesterday. it's about 4 japanese children who are abandoned by their mother for something like 9 months in tokyo...the oldest one is supposed to be in charge of taking care of them, but the money she leaves them runs out pretty quickly. it's a fictionalized plot, but it's based on true events that happened in 1988 in japan. i really liked the movie, but towards the end it was super depressing to say the least. anyway, here's the first part, and the rest is on youtube:


anthem du yesterjour

a little late, a little emo, but here you are:
a promise-broken records

city surrealism

this is awesome...

via ganymedekids.blogspot.com



my favourite child in the whole world, whom i've never met but would readily kidnap, has made yet another adorable video, this time regarding my least favourite holiday aka valentines day:

My Valentine from Capucha on Vimeo.


anthem du jour

i currently have a lot of boredom and energy crammed inside me, which i feel can only be resolved by a good old fashioned prankstravaganza or adventuring session. this song called 'i love you, awesome' by the phoenix foundation from the eagle vs. shark soundtrack just seems like it's fitting my mood for whatever reason:


anthem du jour

love in this club (mstrkrft rmx)-usher (listen to 1:30 and beyond for an even better time)



if only this were the united states of gaga...all currency would look this way. this amazing artist called craig gleason has been making a gigantic series of gaga dolla dolla billz. semi-illegal, totally awesome.

anthem du jour

drum babylon-mux mool (because i have been uncharacteristically angry today, so this is chilling me out.)


beatz and bleepz: the dieu merci c'est vendredi edition

this one's gonna be a short list, but i am tired and old and very unmotivated this evening, so you'll have to make do with my hypem favourites from this week:

kung fu-don rimini
silvia (robotberget rmx)-miike snow
trust revenge-light alive
gold in the fire (hidden cat rmx)-monarchy
hurtful (penguin prison rmx)-erik hassle


anthem du jour

le coeur au bout des doigts-jacqueline taieb

japanese robot nation!

this is so crazy...the japanese population is on the brink of collapsing in the next 100 years due to low birth rates and a nonexistent immigrant population. the japanese government's efforts to entice couples to produce more children are pretty much useless, because even if each couple had two children by some miracle, japan would still be grossly underpopulated. so they've been working overtime to produce these crazy lifelike robots which they hope will start to replace human labour in japan...majorly creepy but majorly awesome. this programme from the vanguard series combines my love of robots and japanese culture, so i would highly recommend you to ch-ch-check it out here:


anthem of the day

trash the rental-crystal castles vs soho dolls. just because it reminds me of argentina and the mountains.


mini sushi magnets from fredlfare.com


today's anthem (a little late...)

pick up the phone (richard x rmx)-dragonette

polaris: never forget

one of the many reasons i love pete and pete is polaris:

hey sandy (obvi)

waiting for october



as usual

ashamed of the story i told

coronado II

she is staggering


i would kill for these

these balenciaga leggings from the spring 2007 collection are perhaps the most wonderful things i have ever seen. if i owned a pair(s) i would wear them every day for the rest of my life.

the shoes above by junya watanabe are pretty phenomenal as well...



maybe it's just me being deltastic, but i'm obsessed with this tridelta trifecta amazing necklace. in fact, i'm obsessed with most of the designs from all for the mountain, whose website looks like hipsters vommed rainbow coloured pbr and spaceships all over it. check out their furniture as well...pretty weird.

today's anthem

this track by memoryhouse is super dreamy in a futuristic lullaby kind of way, and probably not the best thing to be listening to in the morning hours when i could easily fall back to sleep. but do you recognize the background? it's totally jon brion's 'phone call' from the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind soundtrack. probably why i like it so much.

lately (deuxieme)-memoryhouse


anthem of the day

to the lighthouse (millionyoung rmx)-memoryhouse

my little pony version 2.0

while this isn't exactly breaking news, i am absolutely obsessed with finnish sculptor mari kasurinen's modern take on my little pony. these are my two favourites (naturally) which i wish i was playing with right now:


beatz and bleepz: the i'm snowed in edition

it's snowing like crazy here in the little state god forgot, and while i'm stoked my 1:30 was cancelled, i am not so stoked that i'm going to have to be a little more creative with my lady gaga costume for this evening (ie weatherproofing, slash working with what little i've got since i can't drive anyplace to get materials). but at least i know my hair bow is all set. anywayz, stay warm and dance the night away, yeah?


and even though i usually detest mash-ups, i couldn't resist this one:

the desktop wallpaper project

these are some of my favourite desktop wallpapers ever. they come from kitsune noir's desktop wallpaper project, which frequently features cool (and free) artwork for your computer. so ch-ch-check it out:



via fredflare.com

like this

what's in it for-avi buffalo