anthem du jour
*update: this song makes me want to destroy everything in my room in slow motion. i don't know if it's because i watched the music video or if it's just genuinely a good smashing things to bits song.
it appears i am not the only one...
"the longer i procrastinate on returning phone calls and emails, the more guilty i feel about it. the guilt i feel causes me to avoid the issue further, which only leads to more guilt and more procrastination. it gets to the point where i don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me.
on the bright side, i am convinced that once i have my own apartment and enough money to purchase a minimalistic/futuristic furniture scheme from ikea i will suddenly transform into an adult who is swiss-army-knife-like in her wide array of skills and capabilities. you will know when this change has occurred because i will start wearing those glasses (you know the ones) that are indicative of intelligence and responsibility but which also defy the gravitational pull of lameness.
a not haiku for not haku inspired by tyson's
and then i felt like i wanted to hug the ghost of tower records but i thought that he might swallow me up like no-face swallowed up those frog people. so i just said "no thanks i don't want any."
and then also "don't you think chihiro's parents were the worst people you ever saw?"
he said "i don't really know but i'm not even really no-face."
ohrightohrightohright i forget it sometimes.
and so then i said "don't you even watch the news?"
i have entered the third dimension
anthem du jour
*update: i am now trapped in my own home.
chopstick etiquette

i've changed very little in four years...
"some basic things to note about me: i hate mayonnaise and cotton candy, and i eat my cereal dry. i cannot stand country music and i absolutely despise the band U2. i am deathly afraid of heights and i hate riding roller coasters. i love to watch tennis on television but i am very anti-exercise (what is the point of running unless someone is chasing you?). i am a procrastinator and extremely indecisive, and i get embarrassed easily. making people laugh makes me happy. i hate it when people yell at me because i replay it over and over in my head until i think i am going to be sick. my biggest fears are failing and getting old. sushi and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my favorite foods, but not together. if i could be any kind of bird i would be a pigeon because they get to eat all day, they don't fly very high up and they get to people watch for a living. i don't like it when people say 'sweet' in reference to something good. i try my best not to cry in public, and i'm not a hugger unless it's an emergency. this is my life in a nutshell."
all basically still true. except i don't really like pb&j's so much anymore, and i'm slightly less anti-hugging. slightly.
anthem du jour
japanese robots (the best kind of robots)
anthem du jour
la guérilla-valérie lagrange
politics, philosophy and boring things: rant
the word 'decadent' itself is interesting in that it can be defined one of two ways: 1. being in a state of decline or decay, or 2. marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent. i believe western society is already in a deep state of decline as a result of part 2 of the definition. i like technology and material objects just as much as the next person, but we are being set up for a huge fall because of our increasing dependence upon these kinds of goods for survival. for example, many people are becoming increasingly dependent upon GPS systems for navigation purposes; if this kind of dependence continues, we will stop teaching future generations how to navigate without the help of technological tools, and eventually arts like triangulation and celestial navigation will become obsolete and totally forgotten. now, i'm not saying this will happen tomorrow or anything like that; instead it will be a gradual process that we won't even notice until some sort of disaster strikes that prevents the use of the technological goods we've come to depend on.
if anyone is actually even reading this, which i highly doubt, i bet they're thinking i'm crazy and that this is impossible. but look at the romans...they lost much of their advanced technological knowledge during late antiquity, and a lot of this knowledge was never regained. the same goes for most of the great, highly advanced civilizations of the past. and the only ones who've really survived consistently are those that changed very little over the course of their existence, that haven't experienced high levels of globalization, and that never came to rely on modern technology as a means of survival.
one of the signs of a society in decay is a population shift from the countryside to cities. now, obviously not everyone is moving to big cities like manhattan, but land is becoming increasingly developed and urbanized. the reason for this rapid urbanization and development (as well as increasing technological advances) is because 1) we are dependent upon modern niceties, and 2) we are increasingly unsatisfied/bored with the things our surroundings have to offer. as a result, the masses begin to grow restless in their constant search for the next source of amusement. but progress is not limitless so this automatically is setting us up for a big fall. societal growth patterns mimic the human life cycle; it is born, it grows, and it dies, meaning an immortal society would be an impossibility; decline is to be expected. also, our extreme desperation for change and advancement will eventually cause us to open up the possibility for the rise of despots who will tell us exactly what we want to hear.
as a sort of side note about technological advancement, the government has been incredibly smart to make the internet limitless in terms of accessing information. there is so much information that we become distracted by white noise. it becomes much more difficult to see what is actually important when surrounded by all these distractions. also, the rise of social networking websites and blogging platforms has VERY smartly placed extreme emphasis on the importance of the individual. future generations will grow to be increasingly self-absorbed to the point that no one will be able to agree with one another, nor will they be willing to compromise. this means that there will be little to no possibility for mass uprisings, no revolutions. the government will be able to do whatever it wants without fear of dissent, and without ever censoring a single piece of information. kind of ridiculous.
well, i think i'm pretty much done ranting for the time being. you probably think i'm crazy but i don't really careee. THE END.
words that don't exist in english
L’esprit de escalier: (French) The feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said. Translated it means “the spirit of the staircase.”
Waldeinsamkeit: (German) The feeling of being alone in the woods.
Meraki: (Greek) Doing something with soul, creativity, or love.
Forelsket: (Norwegian) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.
Gheegle: (Filipino) The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute.
Pochemuchka: (Russian) A person who asks a lot of questions.
Pena ajena: (Mexican Spanish) The embarrassment you feel watching someone else’s humiliation.
Cualacino: (Italian) The mark left on a table by a cold glass.
Ilunga: (Tshiluba, Congo) A person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.
saudade (sow-da-jee) (Portugese, Galician) the feeling one gets when realizing something one once had is lost and can never be had again
*i feel pena ajena ALL THE TIME.details details details. it's all in the details.
no. more. coffee. PLEASE. dear god.
beatz and bleepz: last american weekend edition
kids (alison wonderland rmx)-sherlock's daughter
open your eyes-steve angello & alex metric
neverest (treasure fingers rmx)-hey champ
mundocaso-gregor salto & florian t
cold as ice (foreigner cover)-specimen a
good life refix-katy b & geeneus
walking on a dream (go go bizkitts rmx)-empire of the sun
you know-allan guevara
mind blowing bonus. it's a remix of the opening and closing track from inception, which i've still yet to see but which i just gained immense appreciation for soundtrack-wise. i have a weird thing for certain movie OST's...they make my heart flutter.* especially ones by ludovico einaudi or yann tiersen. but anyways, bottom line...this is amazing. okay i'll stop talking now:
time (we plants are happy plants)-hans zimmer
*fun fact: when i am particularly moved by something, i often feel like i am going to sneeze. i don't know why that is...they say that if you stare at the sun for too long, your body makes you sneeze to involuntarily close your eyes...maybe i just get overwhelmed and my body doesn't know what to do except force me to close my eyelids and shut off visual stimuli. or maybe i'm just a huge weirdo who is allergique à la magie.
confetti is only funfetti in colours and cupcakes
anthem du jour
and is it me, or does this song sound almost exactly the same (in the beginning, at least?):
anthem(s) du jour
and then 'ninguno me puede juzgar' by violeta rivas:
beatz and bleepz: the igotahaircut edition
through the night (the swiss menergy rmx)-grum
another late night (bit funk rmx)-joman
my turn-louis la roche
anthonio (designer drugs rmx)-annie
worse it gets (rac rmx)-penguin prison
keep the lights on (artwork rmx)-wave machines
a short list for short hair.