oh, alice glass. so mysterious. glad i captured her smiling in this photog. she's from the year 1988 like myself. at 14 she changed her name and her age and she ran away and lived off the land or whatever. except by land i really mean to say with a bunch of crazy drug addicts because she wanted to live primitively, and naturally primitive equals drugs and punk rock. she doesn't do too many interviews, but i really liked this one that i found. totally going to introduce "big into it" into my every day speech. example: q-"how're you liking you're europe and war class?" a-"i'm not big into it." on the note of introducing new expressions into my daily blabber, i've decided to use the movie "heathers" as a good starting point. best movie eva. so very.
alice glass has an inactive personal myspace page and the default picture is a scene from "heathers"