well, i guess i still don't technically "know you" know you, but i did get to have a nice little chat with you! and yes, i did take this super photo that you see above. will and i took on chicago for a whirlwind tour of electronica, and i have to say it was probably the best weekend ever. friday we hit up bottom lounge for the crystal castles concert, which was sweaty, terrifying, and amazing, as expected. we met up with some children (when i say children i mean twenty somethings) from madrid and befriended them, dragging them along to the dj set afterwards at sonotheque. after jamming six or seven people into one chicago cab, we were dismayed to find the line was already pretty long to get into the sold out show. we'd decided to go on a whim and didn't think to buy tickets in advance. anyways, eventually our spaniard amigos gave up on hope and peaced out to go to wicker park and salvage a few drinking hours. will and i stayed strong, though, and after about an hour to an hour and a half of waiting in the freezing cold, we were able to get in. the club experience was the polar opposite of what we'd encountered at bottom lounge. first of all, after having been standing in the cold for so long, the heat (if it even existed) was more than bearable. it also seemed like the crowd had filtered out most of the "tougher" crowd and replaced it with docile hipsters looking to groove, not mosh. the ambiance was quite pleasant too. once we'd gotten our drinks, we watched the first dj spin away inside the booth from behind a glass window. i was certain alice glass wouldn't be accompanying ethan to the dj set, and was starting to doubt whether or not he would even show up. however, after about ten minutes my lack of faith was washed away. not only did ethan show up, alice was there with him! they took turns spinning in the booth and played some great jamz. aside from some of their own tracks, they mixed in some vibesquad (i'm sure you'd appreciate that, shae) and lots of other stuff i'd never have imagined they'd throw in considering they claim to hate electro music. alice smoked cigs and chugged pbr like the badass she is while will and i danced up a storm and stared in awe of the dynamic duo. by the end of the set, we still had to close out the tab at the bar, and luckily for us the bartender took an abnormally long time to get it to us. while security cleared out the club of its non-tab-possessing hipsters, we waited patiently and watched alice finally exit and go to the back once there were almost no fans left. i yelled "alice, we love you!" to her as she walked into the back corridor, and she popped her head back out and waved. this would've been plenty of interaction for me, but it gets better. when the tab finally came, we turned around to see that alice had come back out and was chatting it up with some guy i dunno who he was (some kind of dj, drum player, something)...and will took his chances to go say hello. i was freaking out, naturally, and didn't pay much attention to what he was doing while i tried to finish the rest of my pbr (classy). anyways, i walked over and first asked if either of them would like the rest of my beer (i repeat, classy), and when they politely declined i asked if i could shake alice's hand. and i did. and i really don't remember it because i kind of mentally blacked out. but then i brought up the show i saw in argentina and said how security sucked, and THAT was the key to opening the enigma that is alice glass for a real conversation. we talked about that show, and how most people blamed the band for peacing out when really it was security's fault in the first place. she noted that she was glad that i knew the truth, and then proceeded to ask me how i liked argentina in general. really alice? you want MY opinion? so we continued chit-chatting it up when some annoying girl who'd been in front of us in line (and who payed double to get in about ten minutes before us) came up and said to me and will "maybe i'll see you guys at deadmau5 tomorrow!" nice try, sneaky...i know you just want me to include you in the conversation that is somehow miraculously taking place right now. well think again. i shooed her off quickly with help from the security guard, who then turned to me and will and asked alice, "are they with you?" and SHE said, "yes, they're with us". amazing amazing amazing. for being such a mysterious figure in my life for the past year or so, considering she doesn't do interviews and people don't even really know her real age (they THINK 1988 birth year), this is probably the most complete slash accomplished i will feel in life for a while. if you're still reading this right now, i applaud you, because i'm sure it doesn't sound as interesting to everyone else as it does to me (i replay it in my head often), and i'll spare you the details of the rest of the weekend (for now). but i repeat, alice glass, i (kind of) know you!
"I am a part of all that I have met." — Lord Alfred Tennyson ... holyshit we are part of alice glass!