it does not feel at all like christmas to me, which is absurd since there is about two feet of snow on the ground, the tree is all decorated (a record for the burns family, trust me...), and maureen's poorly-hidden gifts are strewn about the house. i'm a little concerned about the box addressed to me from 'electric guitar world'...definitely didn't ask for an electric guitar, definitely don't want one. but that's neither here nor there. i've been watching christmas movies all day and am about to embark on a baking extravaganza the likes of which this house has never seen, but in the meantime i figured i'd throw together a little less-traditional christmas-y (slash wintry) playlist. there's only so much bing crosby i can take before i start to wish i was jewish (speaking of which, i have to go order chinese food for dinner. yummmmmm.) ps please note the photo of the festive and fun-loving dinosaurs...i found them building snowmen in my backyard and had them pose for a shot. okay so here you go:

sister winter-sufjan stevens (just wait til this hits 2:58...epic)
and if what sounds like the soundtrack to a very serious 80's xmas appeals to you, here you go:
AND if you wish you were someplace warm slash in latin america like i kind of do...
I want to hangout w/ Au Revoir Simone...J'adore (them)