oh the weather outside is effing delightful
i cannot get over how amazing the weather is here. in fact, i wish it would get COLDER than it already is. warm weather is terrible on a number of levels. it makes you sluggish and it tricks you into believing things that aren't even real. cold weather makes the leaves and the illusions fall off the trees and then you can do anything.
latin american christmas time and things
this is pretty much what christmas feels like where i am. it kind of looks like the charlie brown christmas tree lot minus the snow, too:
donde esta santa claus-toni stante
blanca navidad-eydie gorme y el trio los panchos
el cha cha cha de la navidad-celia cruz
donde esta santa claus-toni stante
blanca navidad-eydie gorme y el trio los panchos
el cha cha cha de la navidad-celia cruz
12:16: pensamientos and things like that.
i really am glad to know that i lead an alternate existence unbeknownst to me in someone else's daydreams. how amazing to think that i'm having adventures or misadventures all the time, even when i'm asleep. maybe that's what they mean when they talk about alternate universes. maybe everything we imagine becomes a reality someplace else. or maybe it's like telling someone what you wished for after you've wished it; it'll never come true. maybe somebody imagined i'd be an astronaut and that's why i'll never be one. speaking of which, i'm going to wish for the worst possible thing ever to happen to me when i'm blowing out my birthday candles this year. like a shark attack or a haunted house or for ke$ha to be my best friend. then i'll tell all of you and it'll NEVER come true. beating the system, that's what that's called.
beatz and bleepz: the almost real life edition
gahhhhhhhhh i go home to regular america in roughly a week. what a bummer. although today when i had to run errands and was sweating to the point that small children were running around me in their swimsuits like i was some sort of mobile sprinkler system, i realized that maybe going back to subzero temperatures won't be such a terrible thing. especially since january is going to be even worse here temperature-wise. ps the sprinkler thing with the children didn't actually happen, but an old chinese man did judge me at the supermarket. roughly the same thing.
speaking of old chinese men, i've been thinking a lot about what i should do with my life once i leave this place. the logical conclusion that i reached was that i should become an apprentice to some old man, preferably an asian one who lives on a mountain top, to learn a dying art like how to make noodles by hand by bouncing around on a giant wooden pole (i saw this on 'no reservations') or how to do other cool stuff that is being made obsolete by technological developments. because the way this place (also known as planet earth) is going, we're all pretty screwed in terms of our reliance on technological advances. and i think the best investment would be to learn something that no one else knows how to do without the help of technology so that i end up becoming an invaluable asset to the survival of human civilization when we one day blow ourselves up or aliens take over or a giant tsunami floods everything. i mean, it's genius, right? and if no catastrophes happen that increase the value of my future skill(s), i will refuse to teach future apprentice hopefuls. instead, i will sit on the secrets i've learned until the day i die (when i'm like, 300 years old) so that my life will become a million times more significant. because let's face it, i have to go out with some sort of bang since my ideal funeral, aka evita's funeral, is probably not going to happen. god i am so smart it hurts. but anyway, for now i'll stick with what i know and give you your weekly dose of electro:
capital-christoph andersson
the calling-black van
the earth plates are shifting-young empires
i want you (so bad)-clive tanaka y su orquesta
feed me-grand theft ecstasy
all night-oliver
speaking of old chinese men, i've been thinking a lot about what i should do with my life once i leave this place. the logical conclusion that i reached was that i should become an apprentice to some old man, preferably an asian one who lives on a mountain top, to learn a dying art like how to make noodles by hand by bouncing around on a giant wooden pole (i saw this on 'no reservations') or how to do other cool stuff that is being made obsolete by technological developments. because the way this place (also known as planet earth) is going, we're all pretty screwed in terms of our reliance on technological advances. and i think the best investment would be to learn something that no one else knows how to do without the help of technology so that i end up becoming an invaluable asset to the survival of human civilization when we one day blow ourselves up or aliens take over or a giant tsunami floods everything. i mean, it's genius, right? and if no catastrophes happen that increase the value of my future skill(s), i will refuse to teach future apprentice hopefuls. instead, i will sit on the secrets i've learned until the day i die (when i'm like, 300 years old) so that my life will become a million times more significant. because let's face it, i have to go out with some sort of bang since my ideal funeral, aka evita's funeral, is probably not going to happen. god i am so smart it hurts. but anyway, for now i'll stick with what i know and give you your weekly dose of electro:
capital-christoph andersson
the calling-black van
the earth plates are shifting-young empires
i want you (so bad)-clive tanaka y su orquesta
feed me-grand theft ecstasy
all night-oliver
i don't wanna go back there, don't make me!
my time in buenos aires is coming to a close (for now, anyway...) and i decided to come up with a list of reasons why that could be a good thing (for now, anyway...) so that i can fool myself into thinking that it's not so bad to go back to corporate america. here's all i have so far:
- the weather: it's becoming unbearably hot here...i can't survive in summery temperatures and am much happier in fifteen degree weather. that way i can wear all of my favourite things like coats and sweaters and boots and black.
- the food: okay, there are definitely some good things about argentine food, and there are of course other options apart from the pizzas, pastas, steaks and empanadas if you tire of them (which i do), but for the most part this place is severely lacking in the ethnic food department. which means all kinds of terrible things for me, not to mention slows my hangover recovery time by about fifty percent. when i get home i will eat falafels and pho and gai pad med mamuang himapan and all things that are good.
- bailey: because the cat sucks and bailey is the most awesome animal on the planet (except for maybe like a narwhal or one of those mini hedgehogs) and i would like to dress her up and feed her things i'm not supposed to feed her like quesadillas or goldfish crackers.
beatz and bleepz
insert introduction here. TOO TIRED AND FULL OF STEAK. here you go:
invaders-drive pilot
household goods-totally enormous extinct dinosaurs
away-now in stereo
if you return-maximum balloon/yukimi little dragon
morning light-mitzi
kairo-john dahlback
by your side-s.p.y
invaders-drive pilot
household goods-totally enormous extinct dinosaurs
away-now in stereo
if you return-maximum balloon/yukimi little dragon
morning light-mitzi
kairo-john dahlback
by your side-s.p.y
shut. up. you. god. damn. birds.
birds are super annoying. they're chirping up a storm as we speak and i just want to say, "shut up, sir." but i do not speak bird. fibertel feels my pain:
basic translation:
girl: hey! bird...hey!!
bird: yeah?
girl: how's about you let me sleep?
bird: but it's not time to sleep!
girl: look, i just got back from dancing and i got up early all week.
bird: ok. (continues chirping)
girl: seriously, please, i'm asking you to cut it out. ok?
bird: yeah i get it. i'm leaving.
basic translation:
girl: hey! bird...hey!!
bird: yeah?
girl: how's about you let me sleep?
bird: but it's not time to sleep!
girl: look, i just got back from dancing and i got up early all week.
bird: ok. (continues chirping)
girl: seriously, please, i'm asking you to cut it out. ok?
bird: yeah i get it. i'm leaving.
anthem du jour
i've blogged about 'sunshine lover' by small about a million times now, but i just never get sick of it. asi que here it is:
anthem du jour
endless summer-still corners (appropriate on a number of levels. it seriously is an endless summer.)
things you should buy for fun people
do you like fun people? do fun people like you? well, even if you said no to the second of those questions, fun people will like you if you buy them these awesome gift packages that i have taken the time to compile JUST FOR YOU AND THE AMERICAN ECONOMY. (almost) all under $100, mind you! perfect for the holidays or any occasion where you want to buy friendship. observe:
option #1: marshmallow fun times package. includes:
option #1: marshmallow fun times package. includes:
- stay puft caffeinated marshmallows, $19.99: because they're awesome and they have caffeine in them.
- marshmallow blaster gun, $20: it is my lifelong dream to sit in front of the tv shooting villains like giatta de laurentiis and tyra banks, and i bet it's a lot of other people's lifelong dream too. so buy them a set of two so they can have fun times with the people they love, shooting the shit out of the television screen.
- rice krispies treats cereal, 4 pack, $12.52: this will go nicely with the marshmallow gun activity, because nothing goes better with tv than sitting on the floor eating the best marshmallow and rice-based cereal known to man.
- AND/OR straight up cereal marshmallows, $10.99: because who the eff wants to deal with the other bits in lucky charms? not me, sir. not me. save a loved one loads of fun time which ordinarily would be wasted separating the good from the bad.
- set of self-adhesive mustaches, $10: because no 'stache bash would be complete without the mustaches. also makes a nice gift for the less testostastic man friends.
- AND/OR set of mood mustaches, $10: have you ever had difficulty discerning someone's mood because of their lack of coloured facial hair? me too. don't be a victim; instead, give these puppies to your mood swinging friends and you'll never have to guess again.
- car stache, $40: not all of us feel like driving pick-up's, but that doesn't mean we have to sacrifice the dignity of our decidedly male automobiles. slap this giant stache on the hood of your car and people will know that neither you nor your vehicle is to be effed with.
- mustache socks, $7.50: treat your loved one's feet to optimal warmth this holiday season with mustache-patterned socks.
- dual mustache beer opener and corkscrew, $14: because nothing goes better with drinking than mustaches.
- dinosaur "wish you were here" tee, $78: because i do wish they were here. you know, if they were wearing sunglasses and looked like they were down for not being all carnivorous and whatnot.
- foam dinosaur masks, set of 12, $8.95: prehistoric pretend times are the best kind of pretend times.
- inflatable dinosaurs, set of 6, $16.70: the size of a small child, these little guys will keep you company much better than a small child ever could. you can give them names and personality traits for hours of fun in lonely times.
- dinosaur tattoos, set of 72, $6.28: for anyone who has always wanted a tattoo that depicts the rise and fall of the dinosaurs in chronological order, this gift will finally allow that dream to come true via removable tattoos. good for anyone planning to enter the professional world excluding jobs pertaining to paleontology; if they're going for the latter, then go for the gold and get the real thing.
- nickelodeon dvd extravaganza, $33.47: there is not one person who would not want this as a gift. or if there is, i don't want to know him. includes dvd packs of the adventures of pete & pete seasons 1 and 2, and clarissa explains it all season 1. if you're feeling generous, throw in doug season 1 for an additional $28.99.
- party mania, $44.95: sure forty-five bones may seem a little steep for a game, but it's not just ANY game, it's THE BEST game of all time. with an interactive vhs companion tape, you'll have a total blast trying not to get stuck with the creepy pervo science geeks. instead, you'll collect tokens to score a date with the two hotties who will probably roofie you at the party. ps i used to cry when i lost this game. actually, i used to cry when i lost most games.
- let's paint the 90's, $9.71: YES, LET'S. full of nostalgic scenes including the tonya harding vs nancy kerrigan dynasty-on-ice disaster. WIN.
stuff i want for christmas and that
("and that" equals my birthday, january 9th...)
1. this contact sheet
2. this compass ring
3. these socks
4. a melodica
5. this coat
6. this russian talking watch
7. this thing that makes donuts
8. this poker visor
9. this uv toothbrush cleaner
10. this urawaza book
1. this contact sheet
2. this compass ring
3. these socks
4. a melodica
5. this coat
6. this russian talking watch
7. this thing that makes donuts
8. this poker visor
9. this uv toothbrush cleaner
10. this urawaza book
beatz and bleepz
well my friends, it is officially the weekend. i've come to realize that weekends don't really matter so much here to me anymore...every day here is like a finde in itself. so why am i leaving to go back to the united states again? (rhetorical question) but anyway, here are some tunes for those of you working the 9-5:
get in the cart, pig-deadmau5
twilight galaxy (death to the throne rmx)-metric
einmal in der woche schreien-siriusmo
heart is strange (active child rmx)-school of broken bells
empire-sub antix
sun (andy's ill refix)-caribou
matrix of life-allan guevara
love will guide you (robotaki rmx)-shinichi osawa
get in the cart, pig-deadmau5
twilight galaxy (death to the throne rmx)-metric
einmal in der woche schreien-siriusmo
heart is strange (active child rmx)-school of broken bells
empire-sub antix
sun (andy's ill refix)-caribou
matrix of life-allan guevara
love will guide you (robotaki rmx)-shinichi osawa
anthem du jour
for whatever reason, 'lover of mine' by beach house has been stuck in my head for the last twelve hours or so. i don't plan to turn off the repeat button anytime soon, so here you go:
relaxing voices installment 2: isabel telleria
and kind of ana torrent, but mostly the one on the left. ana torrent's lack of front teeth give her whispers a borderline annoying whistle.
if television were up to me i would nerd it out
my favourite channel in america is pbs, mostly because it compiles cooking shows, travel documentaries, nerd biographies, british comedies, masterpiece theater tear-jerkers, international news shows and weird nature specials into one convenient place (added bonus: it's okay if i lose the remote). so if tv were up to me, i would definitely make it more educational (read: nerdier). for instance, i would take some of the most brain melting shows and turn them into:
- punk'd(uation): i'd throw out ashton kutcher and replace him with stephen hawking or that guy ken who won jeopardy all the time, and then i'd set up elaborate grammar-based pranks that largely involve incorrectly used punctuation marks.
- the jersey 'lore: chuck the guidos and bring in some folklore experts to tell us all about the magical beings that are thought to reside specifically in new jersey. special guest: the jersey devil. and/or snooki.
- my super sweet sistine: my personal favourite, we'd hit up the vatican city to see just how jewel-encrusted the pope's life is. word on the street is they've got a range rover with a state-of-the-art gps that can get you to god and back in sixty seconds or less, depending on the traffic.
beatz and bleepz
remixed thanksgiving was a fail, but remixed beatz and bleepz is always a win. asi que i've decided to devote this edition to remixes since i've neglected to do so over the past few weeks. jason cox must've been getting in my brain. here you go:
dancing with the dj (monsieur adi rmx)-the knocks
indestructible (a-trak rmx)-robyn
castle in the snow (com truise rmx)-twin shadow
believer (little loud rmx)-goldfrapp
invincible (snow picnic rmx)-nightwaves
niton (treasure fingers rmx)-eric prydz
bulletproof (glasnost rmx)-la roux
jack (moullinex rmx)-herr styler
dancing with the dj (monsieur adi rmx)-the knocks
indestructible (a-trak rmx)-robyn
castle in the snow (com truise rmx)-twin shadow
believer (little loud rmx)-goldfrapp
invincible (snow picnic rmx)-nightwaves
niton (treasure fingers rmx)-eric prydz
bulletproof (glasnost rmx)-la roux
jack (moullinex rmx)-herr styler
is this how people in florida feel?
ex-pat thanksgiving in argentina was weird and i didn't like it. it felt like one of those monkeys that gets dressed up like a person so that you almost forget it's a monkey except for all the fur and then you remember. it was like that and there was this man i don't know his name but he was sitting there with his face all blue from the televisions and his napkin was tucked into his shirt collar and his mouth was full and kind of half-open. he was kind of slouched over with his fork in the air and i knew he didn't even know what he was doing or eating or anything and so i got out of there and ate a hamburger instead. i also stopped traffic to help an old man cross the street because i was feeling generally pretty good about being american and/or alive. well it took us about two hours to cross the street and his arm skin was really loose. it felt like a waterbed. we walked so slowly that it felt like time was stopping and i think maybe it did for a minute but you can never be sure of those things. and also i kept feeling like i wanted to yell at people and shake them and say "IT'S THANKSGIVING!!!" only i didn't do it. it was the same feeling i get when i walk into a glassware store where i feel like i might break something because i can imagine myself doing it and i can see how the plate would look smashed on the floor. THE END.
anthem du jour
ohhh symbolone. we meet again in a fantastic electronic burst of awesomeness via your remix of dvas's 'ambient room':
the soundtrack to melting part deux
i must say, i'm not the biggest fan of a back-to-back summer. and when i say "not the biggest fan", what i really mean is "HATE HATE HATE". what i wouldn't give to sport sweaters and coats and gloves, and drive in twenty degree weather with all the windows down. i really think there's something wrong with me in that regard, slash i think i am going to have to move to scandinavia or russia or some other freezing cold place to permanently beat the heat. in any case, while you are (probably) shivering away in the united states, i am sweating my face off in sunny argentina. to cope, i've been eating a lot of ice cream and listening to jamz like this:
closer now-club 8
lord boyd-space jordan 96
everywhere-teen daze
hamilton road-ducktails
where is the problem-dunian
in the red-estate
closer now-club 8
lord boyd-space jordan 96
everywhere-teen daze
hamilton road-ducktails
where is the problem-dunian
in the red-estate
anthem du jour
the opening bit of this song reminds me of the sound that slot machines make. which is highly relevant to my life since i somehow ended up playing roulette at 4:30 this morning in the buenos aires racetrack casino. and what a magically depressing place it was.
beatz and bleepz: the mosquitoes edition
i have spent the last week or so combating giant prehistoric mosquitoes. judging by the number of welts on my arms and legs, i have to conclude they're winning at present. i'm very seriously considering using deet as hairspray for a two-pronged attack on 1) my slightly unruly hair, and 2) the little flying hypodermic needle bloodsuckers more commonly known as "anopheles quadrimaculatus". in the meantime, i will dance my face off to prevent further bug bites. at least, i think that is one of the healing properties of disco...
into the night-azari & III
i want blood-small pyramid
eskimo boy-strange talk
squaring the triangle-rimer london
obligatory pop chune fix:
elevator-sky ferreira
into the night-azari & III
i want blood-small pyramid
eskimo boy-strange talk
squaring the triangle-rimer london
obligatory pop chune fix:
elevator-sky ferreira
please welcome, jesus christ LIZARD
hey remember that time that oprah narrated that show 'life'? i kept expecting her to introduce the animals like this: "please welcome thaaaaaa WILD-A-BEAAAAAAST!" or "please welcome beluga WHAAAAAAAAALE!" she didn't do it like that though, hence i lost respect for her narrating capabilities. but the best animal i saw on that show that didn't even need oprah to give it a tom-cruise-tastic welcome was the jesus christ lizard. it is the most hilarious thing i have ever seen, and i can't watch this clip without laughing:
THE END. may the force of the jesus christ lizard be with you.
THE END. may the force of the jesus christ lizard be with you.
beatz and bleepz: the eff creamfields edition
i can't believe it's already time for another batch of weekend jamz...i'm going to have to work overtime to get my dose of electro this weekend as i'm boycotting creamfields, aka a gigantic electronica festival located on the outskirts of buenos aires. i went the last time i was here and had a mind-blowingly amazing time, but this year the lineup blows. the only name i was excited to see was pendulum, but that just doesn't tip the balance. alas, i'll have to save my energy until hot festival. but that doesn't mean i'm going to cool it with the beatz over the next forty-eight hours:
targa-russ chimes
sunbeam-spencer & hill
one in a million-data
works for me-the twelves
this space-royksopp
moments of excellence-black van
girls will be girls-teen
easy love-mstrkrft
targa-russ chimes
sunbeam-spencer & hill
one in a million-data
works for me-the twelves
this space-royksopp
moments of excellence-black van
girls will be girls-teen
easy love-mstrkrft
can i just say...
being in a foreign non-english speaking country makes me incredibly appreciative of being able to say exactly what i want when i'm at home. words are quite possibly the most important thing to me; in fact, they're all i have. THE END.
beatz and bleepz
i woke up this morning wearing a red wristband that just says "hip hop culture club". which makes me imagine a lot of things. a lot of awesome things. many of which involve boy george. anyway, this alleged "culture club" was pretty much the most hilarious place i've ever been; it's full of argentines who stand around trying to look super street, blinged out to the max and sporting apparel they must've seen on mtv or some shit. the saving grace was when die antwoord came on for all of one minute, but otherwise i was pretty over it. guess i'm not gangsta enuf yo. i'll aim for electro next time, yeah? in the meantime, here we go go go:
malfunction-louis la roche
sunlight-bag raiders
tiny pants-the alpha snail
phoenix down-stealth mode
crooked piano-the 666 order
malfunction-louis la roche
sunlight-bag raiders
tiny pants-the alpha snail
phoenix down-stealth mode
crooked piano-the 666 order
happy halloweekend bitches
TRICK OR TREAT, FOOLIOS! for the sake of tradition, here's pete and pete season 2 episode 5, fittingly titled "halloweenie":
beatz and bleepz: the monster mash (up) edition
okay, no actual mash-up's this time, but i WILL provide you with some supernatural-themed jamz to get your halloweekend going right. alas, halloween is pretty bleak in these parts so i doubt i'll be participating. feel free to throw some reese's pumpkins and candy corn my way, though, yeah? in the meantime (while we wait for the great pumpkin) let's have a little dance, shall we?
scary monsters and nice sprites-skrillex
vampire (silent sounds & sylco rmx)-john & jenn
monster (camo & krooked rmx)-professor green
werewolf (omega rmx)-cocorosie
goblin city (holy ghost! disco dub)-panthers
ghost (hey champ rmx)-gemini club
skeleton boy (grum rmx)-friendly fires
scary monsters and nice sprites-skrillex
vampire (silent sounds & sylco rmx)-john & jenn
monster (camo & krooked rmx)-professor green
werewolf (omega rmx)-cocorosie
goblin city (holy ghost! disco dub)-panthers
ghost (hey champ rmx)-gemini club
skeleton boy (grum rmx)-friendly fires
(more) ideas for bringing back the oc
jesus god why did you take away the greatest show on television? why did you make mischa barton think she was so good at acting? why did you take away ryan atwood's choker and leather jacket? why did you give seth cohen self-confidence? these are rhetorical questions, naturally, but seriously...let's just resurrect this shit and make the world a better place. okay, okay. i've seen pet sematary; i know you can't bring something back from the dead and expect it not to kill and/or eat you. but how about some spinoffs? i already suggested one that would specifically address mischa barton's career woes, but don't worry because i have so many other ideas. like, for instance:
- marissa explains it all: an in-depth look into the cooper home through the eyes of a fashion-forward know-it-all named marissa cooper. complete with ladder entrance for ryan atwood and ferg-face-esque-but-not-as-smart-as-him-though little sister cooper whose name escapes me.
- america's next top model home: let's see how many of kirsten's model homes ryan can burn down in a series of challenges that focus on ways to be homeless and still look good.
- mighty morphin' power range rovers: a fleet of multi-coloured range rovers and their corresponding teenagers-with-attitude (and money) drivers join forces to form one giant megarovebot which they use to fight ugly people, poor people and the IRS. seth cohen is the nerdy blue one, marissa's the pink one and ryan's the red one. i dunno who's going to play the ethnic roles of the yellow and black ones. ps i just realized how racist the mighty morphin' power rangers was.
sindel: the original hair whippin' willow smith
i'd like to take this opportunity to talk to you about how video games have been shaping who i am ever since we got that beautiful sega genesis when i was five years old. it was a gift to my sister; at first she was pretty distraught that it wasn't a super nintendo (as was i...if you can't play duck hunt then what's the point in living?) but we soon learned to appreciate the sega in all its 16-bit glory. we spent hours playing sonic the hedgehog, collecting chaos emeralds and battling the evil doctor robotnik, that sneaky bastard. we hung out with intergalactic stoners toe jam and earl and endured hours of seizure-inducing elevator rides to the various levels of a place that was supposed to be planet earth (but clearly was not). we enjoyed hours of battletoads, a poor man's version of the teenage mutant ninja turtles only instead of being named after famous artists they were named after skin conditions: rash, zitz and pimple (proliferating the stereotypical image of wart-laden toads). but perhaps the most character shaping game of all was mortal kombat...while we weren't technically "allowed" to play MK, my mother was in grad school at the time so pops let us do pretty much whatever the eff we wanted. aka scar us for life unintentionally by letting us watch things like the garbage pail kids and jaws, and by telling us we were going to eat worms for dinner, and by letting us eat so much candy, and by playing the spooky sounds tape when it wasn't halloween and terrifying me to the point that i would run out of the house screaming. but that is besides the point. the point is that we could play mortal kombat. i don't even know who i'd be if i'd have encountered good parenting on a daily basis! so thank you dad for your mild negligence (okay okay he wasn't THAT bad, but still...) ps, i'd just like to say that all of these video games shaped my love of beats and bleeps and all things electro from an early age with their technotastic soundtracks, and for that i am grateful (as you should be, too).
what am i getting at with all this video game talk? well to be honest, i could go on rambling but i'll spare you. but this discussion was spurred by willow smith's SMASH HIT 'whip my hair'...i am a huge fan of this song for restoring my faith in tweens; it would complete my life if willow smith would beat up the entire cast of iCarly sindel-style. oh right oh right oh right that's why we're having the video game discussion...sindel, fightbitch extraordinaire from mortal kombat, is the original fiece hair whipper. observe:
do you see? mortal kombat (etc.) has been inspiring youths from all walks of life, willow smith and myself included. okay that's all. hooray for video games and hair whipping and parents.
what am i getting at with all this video game talk? well to be honest, i could go on rambling but i'll spare you. but this discussion was spurred by willow smith's SMASH HIT 'whip my hair'...i am a huge fan of this song for restoring my faith in tweens; it would complete my life if willow smith would beat up the entire cast of iCarly sindel-style. oh right oh right oh right that's why we're having the video game discussion...sindel, fightbitch extraordinaire from mortal kombat, is the original fiece hair whipper. observe:
do you see? mortal kombat (etc.) has been inspiring youths from all walks of life, willow smith and myself included. okay that's all. hooray for video games and hair whipping and parents.
ideas for new versions of freaky friday
- whoopi goldberg and elisabeth hasselbeck switch bodies and craziness ensues.
- an american person switches teeth with a british person and craziness ensues.
- vegemite switches with marmite and craziness ensues.
- robert pattinson switches hair with jason alexander and sadness ensues.
- mary-kate and ashley switch bodies and nobody really notices.
we don't even speak anything but pet sounds
saku: "meow. meow. muaaaaaaoooo."
juli: "meow. meow."
saku: "...meow."
juli: "meow?"
saku: "meow."
saku: "blah. blahblahblah. blahhhh."
juli: "almost. that's almost what i said but that's only what it sounds like i said."
saku: "blah blah blah. blah."
juli: "kind of."
saku: "blah?"
juli: "okay."
juli: "meow. meow."
saku: "...meow."
juli: "meow?"
saku: "meow."
saku: "blah. blahblahblah. blahhhh."
juli: "almost. that's almost what i said but that's only what it sounds like i said."
saku: "blah blah blah. blah."
juli: "kind of."
saku: "blah?"
juli: "okay."
beatz and bleepz lil bb's
happy weekend times my darlings! against my better judgment i will be heading to a *shudder* lounge tonight to kick off my fin de semana. i really don't enjoy club crowds; they're full of try hards and gel heads and people that i generally try to avoid, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and be social. i can only hope they will play music like this:
baptism (story of isaac rmx)-crystal castles
the recluse (netsky rmx)-plan b
sun (midland re-edit)-caribou
star (doctor p rmx)-blame
fuck you (le castle vania rmx)-cee lo green
music sounds better with you-stardust
warm thrash (millionyoung rmx)-dream cop
baptism (story of isaac rmx)-crystal castles
the recluse (netsky rmx)-plan b
sun (midland re-edit)-caribou
star (doctor p rmx)-blame
fuck you (le castle vania rmx)-cee lo green
music sounds better with you-stardust
warm thrash (millionyoung rmx)-dream cop
cortometraje: el empleo por santiago grasso
this short film by santiago bou grasso is amazing:
El Emplo [İstihdam] - Kısa Film
Cargado por talhadereci. - Mira películas y shows de TV enteros.
El Emplo [İstihdam] - Kısa Film
Cargado por talhadereci. - Mira películas y shows de TV enteros.
rip: remix manifesto
i thought this documentary by brett gaylor was pretty interesting. it's about copyright infringement and the threats that the concept of intellectual property poses. ch-ch-check it out in its entirety right here:
beatz and bleepz: the i have a resaca edition
hangouts lead to hangovers. this is clinically proven, largely by me. to cope, i've opted to stay in bed all day long watching episodes of 'no reservations' and trying to fight the urge to do what i usually do in situations like this, aka order any and/or all forms of asian food for delivery and fall into a fat kid coma. but perhaps you are not hungover, and perhaps you are chomping at the bit to enjoy yourself this evening by dancing up a thunderstorm. if that is the case, then i applaud you, sir(s). here is your reward for staying the course and maintaining your energy reserves for the real weekend, not the fake one:
love fighter-stardonE
swing tree-discovery
red star-80kidz
forte da funk-binarpilot
obligatory remix:
shampain (fred falke rmx)-marina & the diamonds
obligatory i-am-so-sorry-but-i-had-to pop song:
we r who we r-ke$ha (u r not good @ spelling? or u love the alphabet?)
ps, it is my duty to warn you that electronic music also leads to hangovers. in a study performed last night, 100% of participants showed signs of regret upon waking up this morning.
love fighter-stardonE
swing tree-discovery
red star-80kidz
forte da funk-binarpilot
obligatory remix:
shampain (fred falke rmx)-marina & the diamonds
obligatory i-am-so-sorry-but-i-had-to pop song:
we r who we r-ke$ha (u r not good @ spelling? or u love the alphabet?)
ps, it is my duty to warn you that electronic music also leads to hangovers. in a study performed last night, 100% of participants showed signs of regret upon waking up this morning.
hot dog fingers, count choculitis...
"the most unfortunate invalids on earth came in search of health: a poor woman who since childhood had been counting her heartbeats and had run out of numbers; a portuguese man who couldn't sleep because the noise of the stars disturbed him; a sleepwalker who got up at night to undo the things he had done while awake; and many others with less serious ailments."
from "a very old man with enormous wings" by gabriel garcia marquez.
from "a very old man with enormous wings" by gabriel garcia marquez.
anthem du jour: NSFW edition
yeah, like any of you have jobs anyway. but just in case you do (i'm impressed if you do) beware of so many tits in this music video. but the song is bomb, and the music video is c-r-a-z-y in the best kind of way.
El Guincho - Bombay from CANADA on Vimeo.
anthem du jour: troop beverly hills
SHOPPING IS OUR GREATEST SKILL. inspired by my stylish new rucksack, the closest i'll ever get to camping.
make it big - the beach boiz
make it big - the beach boiz
pink floyd plus explosions equals glamorous
maybe we're exploding so slowly that we don't even know it yet.
anthem du jour
on your own-james yuill
*update: this song makes me want to destroy everything in my room in slow motion. i don't know if it's because i watched the music video or if it's just genuinely a good smashing things to bits song.
*update: this song makes me want to destroy everything in my room in slow motion. i don't know if it's because i watched the music video or if it's just genuinely a good smashing things to bits song.
it appears i am not the only one...
this is more or less the story of my life. and when i say more or less, i mean exactly. but it's good to know i'm not the only one who is having a hard time taking childhood out back and shooting it old-yeller-style, slash whose inability to grow up is a surprisingly resilient trait that is not unlike the resilience of hollywood slasher film characters. although unlike friday the 13th part VIII: jason takes manhattan, my plight draws significantly less revenue at the box office. here is an excerpt from my mirror-image life regarding my failure to return calls/emails/text messages/smoke signals and the subsequent debilitating guilt that i retain:
"the longer i procrastinate on returning phone calls and emails, the more guilty i feel about it. the guilt i feel causes me to avoid the issue further, which only leads to more guilt and more procrastination. it gets to the point where i don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me.
"the longer i procrastinate on returning phone calls and emails, the more guilty i feel about it. the guilt i feel causes me to avoid the issue further, which only leads to more guilt and more procrastination. it gets to the point where i don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me.
then the guilt from my ignored responsibilities grows so large that merely carrying it around with me feels like a huge responsibility. it takes up a sizable portion of my capacity, leaving me almost completely useless for anything other than consuming nachos and surfing the internet like an attention-deficient squirrel on pcp."
on the bright side, i am convinced that once i have my own apartment and enough money to purchase a minimalistic/futuristic furniture scheme from ikea i will suddenly transform into an adult who is swiss-army-knife-like in her wide array of skills and capabilities. you will know when this change has occurred because i will start wearing those glasses (you know the ones) that are indicative of intelligence and responsibility but which also defy the gravitational pull of lameness.
on the bright side, i am convinced that once i have my own apartment and enough money to purchase a minimalistic/futuristic furniture scheme from ikea i will suddenly transform into an adult who is swiss-army-knife-like in her wide array of skills and capabilities. you will know when this change has occurred because i will start wearing those glasses (you know the ones) that are indicative of intelligence and responsibility but which also defy the gravitational pull of lameness.
a not haiku for not haku inspired by tyson's
i saw the ghost of tower records and i said "i'm sorry for your loss (of physical life)." the ghost of tower records shuffled around.
and then i felt like i wanted to hug the ghost of tower records but i thought that he might swallow me up like no-face swallowed up those frog people. so i just said "no thanks i don't want any."
and then also "don't you think chihiro's parents were the worst people you ever saw?"
he said "i don't really know but i'm not even really no-face."
ohrightohrightohright i forget it sometimes.
and so then i said "don't you even watch the news?"
and then i felt like i wanted to hug the ghost of tower records but i thought that he might swallow me up like no-face swallowed up those frog people. so i just said "no thanks i don't want any."
and then also "don't you think chihiro's parents were the worst people you ever saw?"
he said "i don't really know but i'm not even really no-face."
ohrightohrightohright i forget it sometimes.
and so then i said "don't you even watch the news?"
i have entered the third dimension
i am now existing in three separate dimensions. the first dimension lasted from january 9th, 1988 until november 5th, 2007. that is/was my favourite dimension. the second dimension began somewhere in between november 5th, 2007 and the spring of 2008. that one smells/smelled like spray paint and hospitals and artificial heat. and now i have entered the third dimension. i don't know what it's like yet but i think there will be fluorescent lights and LSATs and GMATs and early bedtimes. i wonder what i am doing right now in the first and second dimensions. and i wonder if this is what simone weil meant, only different.
anthem du jour
i am seriously going to have a meltdown if i don't get the eff out of here soon. my family is insane. i wish my laundry would hurry up and be done so i can make a break for it before maureen gets home from work. that's right, i'm running away from home at age 22. but if it helps, i've been trying to escape since age 4. it's been a long time coming. so, the anthem du jour is quite fittingly 'off and running' by lesley gore:
*update: i am now trapped in my own home.
*update: i am now trapped in my own home.
chopstick etiquette
it seriously drives me crazy when people rub their chopsticks together after breaking them apart. apparently i'm not the only one who thinks this is annoying:
seriously though, just don't do it. or i'll bring you back some nice, cute chopsticks from argentine chinatown that don't need to be broken apart. (if i ever get there, that is...) if you want more chopstick etiquette, read this.

i've changed very little in four years...
found my 12th grade english project today and started reading through it. basically the assignment was to make a book of our childhood memories, future goals, etc. and i was kind of pleasantly surprised to see i really haven't changed all that much personality quirks-wise since my senior year of high school. take THAT, denison university. you can take away my soul but you can't change my core values (which have largely to do with foods i like and dislike):
"some basic things to note about me: i hate mayonnaise and cotton candy, and i eat my cereal dry. i cannot stand country music and i absolutely despise the band U2. i am deathly afraid of heights and i hate riding roller coasters. i love to watch tennis on television but i am very anti-exercise (what is the point of running unless someone is chasing you?). i am a procrastinator and extremely indecisive, and i get embarrassed easily. making people laugh makes me happy. i hate it when people yell at me because i replay it over and over in my head until i think i am going to be sick. my biggest fears are failing and getting old. sushi and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my favorite foods, but not together. if i could be any kind of bird i would be a pigeon because they get to eat all day, they don't fly very high up and they get to people watch for a living. i don't like it when people say 'sweet' in reference to something good. i try my best not to cry in public, and i'm not a hugger unless it's an emergency. this is my life in a nutshell."
all basically still true. except i don't really like pb&j's so much anymore, and i'm slightly less anti-hugging. slightly.
"some basic things to note about me: i hate mayonnaise and cotton candy, and i eat my cereal dry. i cannot stand country music and i absolutely despise the band U2. i am deathly afraid of heights and i hate riding roller coasters. i love to watch tennis on television but i am very anti-exercise (what is the point of running unless someone is chasing you?). i am a procrastinator and extremely indecisive, and i get embarrassed easily. making people laugh makes me happy. i hate it when people yell at me because i replay it over and over in my head until i think i am going to be sick. my biggest fears are failing and getting old. sushi and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my favorite foods, but not together. if i could be any kind of bird i would be a pigeon because they get to eat all day, they don't fly very high up and they get to people watch for a living. i don't like it when people say 'sweet' in reference to something good. i try my best not to cry in public, and i'm not a hugger unless it's an emergency. this is my life in a nutshell."
all basically still true. except i don't really like pb&j's so much anymore, and i'm slightly less anti-hugging. slightly.
anthem du jour
i'm not the biggest telepopmusik fan, but i've always had a soft spot for 'breathe'. plus i feel it's kind of fitting considering my current stuck-in-amerique-du-nord circumstances.
japanese robots (the best kind of robots)
i've posted this video before but i'm posting it again because i think it's really worth watching. and the prospect of robots taking over the world is terrifying so you should learn more about it so we can fight them together.
anthem du jour
you have to click on this one for it to take you to youtube because some asshole is trying to prevent people like me from easily sharing this wonderful song with everyone i know, aka all 1.5 people who read this blog. (meaning me and bailey.)
la guérilla-valérie lagrange
la guérilla-valérie lagrange
politics, philosophy and boring things: rant
warning: this is boring. anyways, when i was studying political science in buenos aires, we had to read a lot of works that dealt with societal decadence and the role of the masses in shaping society; decadence is a subject of particular interest to me.
the word 'decadent' itself is interesting in that it can be defined one of two ways: 1. being in a state of decline or decay, or 2. marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent. i believe western society is already in a deep state of decline as a result of part 2 of the definition. i like technology and material objects just as much as the next person, but we are being set up for a huge fall because of our increasing dependence upon these kinds of goods for survival. for example, many people are becoming increasingly dependent upon GPS systems for navigation purposes; if this kind of dependence continues, we will stop teaching future generations how to navigate without the help of technological tools, and eventually arts like triangulation and celestial navigation will become obsolete and totally forgotten. now, i'm not saying this will happen tomorrow or anything like that; instead it will be a gradual process that we won't even notice until some sort of disaster strikes that prevents the use of the technological goods we've come to depend on.
if anyone is actually even reading this, which i highly doubt, i bet they're thinking i'm crazy and that this is impossible. but look at the romans...they lost much of their advanced technological knowledge during late antiquity, and a lot of this knowledge was never regained. the same goes for most of the great, highly advanced civilizations of the past. and the only ones who've really survived consistently are those that changed very little over the course of their existence, that haven't experienced high levels of globalization, and that never came to rely on modern technology as a means of survival.
one of the signs of a society in decay is a population shift from the countryside to cities. now, obviously not everyone is moving to big cities like manhattan, but land is becoming increasingly developed and urbanized. the reason for this rapid urbanization and development (as well as increasing technological advances) is because 1) we are dependent upon modern niceties, and 2) we are increasingly unsatisfied/bored with the things our surroundings have to offer. as a result, the masses begin to grow restless in their constant search for the next source of amusement. but progress is not limitless so this automatically is setting us up for a big fall. societal growth patterns mimic the human life cycle; it is born, it grows, and it dies, meaning an immortal society would be an impossibility; decline is to be expected. also, our extreme desperation for change and advancement will eventually cause us to open up the possibility for the rise of despots who will tell us exactly what we want to hear.
as a sort of side note about technological advancement, the government has been incredibly smart to make the internet limitless in terms of accessing information. there is so much information that we become distracted by white noise. it becomes much more difficult to see what is actually important when surrounded by all these distractions. also, the rise of social networking websites and blogging platforms has VERY smartly placed extreme emphasis on the importance of the individual. future generations will grow to be increasingly self-absorbed to the point that no one will be able to agree with one another, nor will they be willing to compromise. this means that there will be little to no possibility for mass uprisings, no revolutions. the government will be able to do whatever it wants without fear of dissent, and without ever censoring a single piece of information. kind of ridiculous.
well, i think i'm pretty much done ranting for the time being. you probably think i'm crazy but i don't really careee. THE END.
the word 'decadent' itself is interesting in that it can be defined one of two ways: 1. being in a state of decline or decay, or 2. marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent. i believe western society is already in a deep state of decline as a result of part 2 of the definition. i like technology and material objects just as much as the next person, but we are being set up for a huge fall because of our increasing dependence upon these kinds of goods for survival. for example, many people are becoming increasingly dependent upon GPS systems for navigation purposes; if this kind of dependence continues, we will stop teaching future generations how to navigate without the help of technological tools, and eventually arts like triangulation and celestial navigation will become obsolete and totally forgotten. now, i'm not saying this will happen tomorrow or anything like that; instead it will be a gradual process that we won't even notice until some sort of disaster strikes that prevents the use of the technological goods we've come to depend on.
if anyone is actually even reading this, which i highly doubt, i bet they're thinking i'm crazy and that this is impossible. but look at the romans...they lost much of their advanced technological knowledge during late antiquity, and a lot of this knowledge was never regained. the same goes for most of the great, highly advanced civilizations of the past. and the only ones who've really survived consistently are those that changed very little over the course of their existence, that haven't experienced high levels of globalization, and that never came to rely on modern technology as a means of survival.
one of the signs of a society in decay is a population shift from the countryside to cities. now, obviously not everyone is moving to big cities like manhattan, but land is becoming increasingly developed and urbanized. the reason for this rapid urbanization and development (as well as increasing technological advances) is because 1) we are dependent upon modern niceties, and 2) we are increasingly unsatisfied/bored with the things our surroundings have to offer. as a result, the masses begin to grow restless in their constant search for the next source of amusement. but progress is not limitless so this automatically is setting us up for a big fall. societal growth patterns mimic the human life cycle; it is born, it grows, and it dies, meaning an immortal society would be an impossibility; decline is to be expected. also, our extreme desperation for change and advancement will eventually cause us to open up the possibility for the rise of despots who will tell us exactly what we want to hear.
as a sort of side note about technological advancement, the government has been incredibly smart to make the internet limitless in terms of accessing information. there is so much information that we become distracted by white noise. it becomes much more difficult to see what is actually important when surrounded by all these distractions. also, the rise of social networking websites and blogging platforms has VERY smartly placed extreme emphasis on the importance of the individual. future generations will grow to be increasingly self-absorbed to the point that no one will be able to agree with one another, nor will they be willing to compromise. this means that there will be little to no possibility for mass uprisings, no revolutions. the government will be able to do whatever it wants without fear of dissent, and without ever censoring a single piece of information. kind of ridiculous.
well, i think i'm pretty much done ranting for the time being. you probably think i'm crazy but i don't really careee. THE END.
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