aaand let's not forget a slow-ish jam for that end-of-the-night stage, where you're either dealing with an awkward hook-up or eating massive amounts of greasy food. either way, you're going to wake up going, "wtf?"...and yes, you will say the letters w, t and f outloud.
check out lindsay lohan doing a psa back in the day! i wonder what seymour smoke would say if he saw how many cigs she smoked on a daily basis. surprisingly, the sound he makes when there's smoke is less annoying than the sound he makes when he's talking...perhaps this taught linds that where there's smoke, there's no gilbert gottfried. and i'd also just like to say that if your child tells you that a smoke detector named seymour smoke told them about the wonders of fire safety, you've probably got a carbon monoxide leak, not a fire.
ah, here we are again. another wednesday and i'm in a slump. drowning in homework and forgot to bring a snorkel. so here's some robotheque jamz to pump us up to get it done, get it in, and get back to partying.
ahhh the wonders of sega genesis. i almost broke down and bought a console when i was in argentina as there are many floating around the ferias, but toejam and earl was the deal breaker for me. yes, i may have found sonic the hedgehog and aladdin, but after a painstaking and unsuccessful search for the original tj&e i just couldn't bring myself to do it. what an amazing pointless, so fun. the elevator jamz were the best, and who could forget the seizure-inducing neon backgrounds? in case you've opted (for whatever unacceptable reason) to not watch the video above, i will give you a play-by-play of the dialogue between three-legged blinged out toejam and borderline morbidly obese earl, who appear to be based on a loose representation of george and lennie from of mice and men:
tj: greetings. my name is toejam, and this here is my bro big rappin' earl. (here we see the stereotypical alien use of 'greetings' as a convo starter) earl: yo, wha'sup. (nice one earl) tj: earl and myself are highly funky aliens from outer space. (really? why would you refer to yourselves as aliens? even if i had crash-landed on a planet, i would never consider myself an alien.) earl: outerspace. (such a simple man, earl.) tj: more specifically, we are from the planet funkotron. (best planet name EVER. if for some reason i one day rule the world, i will officially change earth's name to this.) earl: funkotron! (whoa whoa whoa there big fella, don't get too excited!) tj: thank you, earl. (toejam's sassy side) check this out (i think i will)--this is our highly funkly, ultra cool, righteous rapmaster rocketship (nice use of aliteration.) notice the megawatt speakers (oh i have...ultimate jamming capabilities.) with which earl and i have been known to crank out some extremely funky tunes. (i believe it.) crank it earl! (earl proceeds to crank it.) recently we ran into a small problem. earl: problem. (i don't know if earl is confirming what tj has just stated, or whether he is baffled by the meaning of the word.) tj: we were cruisin' in our rocket, thumpin' out to a funky beat, (naturally) when big earl said he'd like a shot in the driver's seat...(fatal mistake, toejam, fatal mistake.) you should never let earl drive. (duh.) yo, so here we are, chillin' out on the most insane planet (which looks like earth, by the way) in the galaxy, planet earth! (this is most definitely not planet earth.) thanks to earl...all we have to do now, is find the 10 pieces of our rocketship, and we can jet outta here. no problem. (um, yes, big problem. you are stoner aliens looking for your ship scattered around a foreign planet. it's like a more extreme version of 'dude, where's my car?'. and why you wanna be jettin' outta here if it's the most insane planet in the galaxizzle?) earl: no problem. (this just confirms that you have a very very big problem on your hands. lucky for you i am here to help you.)
i repeat, best game ever. here's a track inspired by sega called megadrive by me gusta.
ah, my dreamz have come true now that some kind soul has uploaded a plethora of the babysitters club videos to youtube. i'll put one up, listen closely to the confirms everything i previously suspected about the character hierarchy. claudia is everyone's favorite, followed closely by stacey, followed by pretty much everyone else we don't care about. dawn gets a shout-out for having blonde hair, congrats on that one. mal gets snubbed hardcore, loves it. and check out zach braff from back in the day in this episode. ugh freaking dawn. such a tree hugging granola crunching californian. i will not save the trees, dawn. i will not. i will enjoy your poor acting skillz, though.
those dancing days are sososo upbeat and fun, you have to check them out. they're a group of five girls from stockholm and they're super. indie pop with a little bit of northern soul. you should check out their cover of britney's's pretty great.
just discovered marina and the diamonds and think she's fabfabfab. i've been racking my brain trying to pin down who exactly she sounds like, and i suppose you could compare her to kate nash, but then i don't really like comparing artists to one another. very interesting piano-driven alt-pop, though. check her out below, or at her myspace which i've given you the link to above. really digging obsessions, btw.
lovelovelove this band dreamdate, which i've just discovered in my quest to put off my work just a bit longer. perhaps you'd like to discover them also! the self-described minimalist pop/rock duo does short and sweet and catchy little tunes, a few of which i will post here. check out their myspace which i posted above. ah, the power of myspace. i'm still a believer.
yes, yes way. you can tell by the influx in my blog posts that i am avoiding writing a paper. so i'll share with you some songs that are getting me through the start of this long long long all-nighter...literally, fellows is an exact replica of hell right now. it's about 8000 degrees in here, and i even think i saw el diablo himself a minute ago checking his facebook and crushing a red bull. sugar-free, of course. even the prince of darkness needs to watch his figure i guess. well, here you none of these necessarily have anything to do with one another. it's very much like the ever-popular jeopardy cop-out category 'potpourri'...pps, did anyone else grow up believing alex trebek was the smartest man alive? it wasn't a far-fetched belief for a seven year old me (who always was convinced she would have know that the famous artist was monet or that the year was 570 b.c. had she been given approximately 5 more seconds to work out the logistics of the question), especially considering canada is a magical and mysterious country whose inhabitants have supernatural hockey playing and trivia answering abilities as a direct result of a strict diet of maple syrup and the use of the word 'eh' (a secret form of abracadabra perhaps? are they holding out on us?). oh if only someone like the trebekster existed for realsies. i thought sylvia browne had a shot at filling that position for a while, but then this happened. sorry montel, such a let down. wow that was a huge tangent, which i would love to continue but really i have to write this you go, enjoy, and you can pick and choose wisely since i'm including the genre as well:
uptown top ranking-althea & donna (plain and simple roots goodness) genius and thieves-eluvium (a pretty little ditty with no words, just a piano) zhivago-ludovico einaudi (again, all this guy...this is from the masterpiece theater version of doctor zhivago. yes i watch masterpiece theater, and always cry at some point or another. tess of the d'urbervilles? don't even get me started.) galaxies-laura veirs (indie/pop, quite catchy) bahamas-the low frequency in stereo (super mellow post-rock experimental. check out hazelwood as well if you can find'll blow your mind and america will resent you for listening to it since you'll inevitably think less of her when you've finished) here today, gone tomorrow-ulrich schnauss (trippy mellow electronic shoegaze, really great if you're reading alice in wonderland when she's falling down down down the rabbit hole. really though. i know from experience.) black balloon-the kills (love love love this song, which is a nice play on garage rock the way "i swear our jet is crashing in my mind" is sung, it's an unexpected little turn. at least i think so. very pretty.)
erin, you blinded us with the mystery that is your flashlight mangina...
everlasting friendship between phil the mangina and erin, aka old greg
mk as a mermaid, erin as old greg and alex as howard moon slash illegal migrant worker...
this has been the longest week of my life, partially due to erin and phil's friendship extravaganza. the theme for the grand finale was an old greg party (a denison favorite) which was a big success. erin pulled off the look quite nicely if i do say so myself. perhaps she should consider it for her next job interview. it would be a big hit in the fishing industry; i'm sure they're hurting for the lack of scaley man-fishes. she found herself asking many questions like, "do you love me?", "whatcha doin' in mah waters" and "have you ever drunk bailey's from a shoe?" her ensemble is fashion-forward, consisting of a white jacket, pink tutu, white gogo boots, and green face, fruit punch lips, and seaweed hair. and let's not forget the mangina, which was constructed by pinning a flashlight in-between her legs. (marc jacobs, do i sense a daring new line for fall 2009?) i dressed for the theme as black lake, the home of greg's place, and included the ss howard moon, our dear friend old greg (yes i do know what you got), and a bottle of baileys, all floating in the black abyss of my favorite black t-shirt dress (another complot purchase). the night wound down at the bar where brian, bartender extraordinaire, gifted me the worst drink ever created (on the house, of course). deemed very appropriately a "fuzzy brain" (yes, it looked like a brain floating in a glass), it consisted of bailey's and whiskey. one sip made me want to vomitar (spanish for vom, a great word if i do say so myself). let's hope it doesn't become a staple on the menu, yeah? i think alex, mk and i may have ended up in greg's place by the end of the night, or a close representation of it anyway. i'm glad this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. i don't think i could handle two. perhaps one day i will devote a collection of watercolors to the event. but at present i simply have no time for such creative endeavors (as howard moon says, i'm a (wo)man about town). so anyways, congrats to erin and phil on some heartfelt (or not so much) words exchanged and the solidifying of a life-long friendship through humiliation and awkward situations.
if this weekend sucked out your soul like mine did (i mean that in the best way possible), i suggest several solutions. first, drink lots and lots of water. second, invest in air conditioning. srsly. third, throw back some advil, and fourth (slash most importantly), eat your weight in chinese food. and listen to these jamz, of course.
the end of the weekend edition...i was too lazy to post it earlier, but maybe you've decided to squeeze a little bit more out of this unreasonably hot weekend. the list is influenced by my unhealthy obsession with british television and slightly less unhealthy obsession with rcrdlbl. here you go:
stumbled upon this fellow during my last beatz and bleepz quest and figured i'd share him with are some links to good trax. just a little 8-bit love.
just in time for the weekend, here are some jamz pour vous (yeah, i decided to learn how to speak french today instead of writing this paper...seemed like an opportune time. janvier is my favorite word to say so far...):
so i know i've already told you about the wonders of SMALL, but seeing as how i'm trapped in the midst of an all-nighter, i figure i'll tell you again. SMALL is great, and can get you through the toughest of times as i'm experiencing right now. american public policy formation is not fun when you have to write a paper about it, especially a paper that doesn't make any sense. but you know what does make sense? these songs, namely comic girl which i've been listening to on repeat:
i liked this uffie interview a lot...minus the creepy australian lady's voice...sounds like lifestyles man. anywayz, uffie is one of my faves, so ch-ch-check her out!
here are some old slash good nickelodeon shows. i would know because i've spent the entire day watching them instead of doing my work.
first we have a classic doug episode; judy is super fierce per usual...
and next we have a classic pete & pete, the summer special parts 1, 2, and 3...
aaaand if you'd like to relive the frustration of the silver monkey assembly process, here's an episode of legends of the hidden temple parts 1, 2, and 3...
it's wednesday. we can make it until friday. i think. in any case, here are some jamz to pump you up for the weekend, and (hopefully) for spring. plz come back sun, we need you.
well, i guess i still don't technically "know you" know you, but i did get to have a nice little chat with you! and yes, i did take this super photo that you see above. will and i took on chicago for a whirlwind tour of electronica, and i have to say it was probably the best weekend ever. friday we hit up bottom lounge for the crystal castles concert, which was sweaty, terrifying, and amazing, as expected. we met up with some children (when i say children i mean twenty somethings) from madrid and befriended them, dragging them along to the dj set afterwards at sonotheque. after jamming six or seven people into one chicago cab, we were dismayed to find the line was already pretty long to get into the sold out show. we'd decided to go on a whim and didn't think to buy tickets in advance. anyways, eventually our spaniard amigos gave up on hope and peaced out to go to wicker park and salvage a few drinking hours. will and i stayed strong, though, and after about an hour to an hour and a half of waiting in the freezing cold, we were able to get in. the club experience was the polar opposite of what we'd encountered at bottom lounge. first of all, after having been standing in the cold for so long, the heat (if it even existed) was more than bearable. it also seemed like the crowd had filtered out most of the "tougher" crowd and replaced it with docile hipsters looking to groove, not mosh. the ambiance was quite pleasant too. once we'd gotten our drinks, we watched the first dj spin away inside the booth from behind a glass window. i was certain alice glass wouldn't be accompanying ethan to the dj set, and was starting to doubt whether or not he would even show up. however, after about ten minutes my lack of faith was washed away. not only did ethan show up, alice was there with him! they took turns spinning in the booth and played some great jamz. aside from some of their own tracks, they mixed in some vibesquad (i'm sure you'd appreciate that, shae) and lots of other stuff i'd never have imagined they'd throw in considering they claim to hate electro music. alice smoked cigs and chugged pbr like the badass she is while will and i danced up a storm and stared in awe of the dynamic duo. by the end of the set, we still had to close out the tab at the bar, and luckily for us the bartender took an abnormally long time to get it to us. while security cleared out the club of its non-tab-possessing hipsters, we waited patiently and watched alice finally exit and go to the back once there were almost no fans left. i yelled "alice, we love you!" to her as she walked into the back corridor, and she popped her head back out and waved. this would've been plenty of interaction for me, but it gets better. when the tab finally came, we turned around to see that alice had come back out and was chatting it up with some guy i dunno who he was (some kind of dj, drum player, something)...and will took his chances to go say hello. i was freaking out, naturally, and didn't pay much attention to what he was doing while i tried to finish the rest of my pbr (classy). anyways, i walked over and first asked if either of them would like the rest of my beer (i repeat, classy), and when they politely declined i asked if i could shake alice's hand. and i did. and i really don't remember it because i kind of mentally blacked out. but then i brought up the show i saw in argentina and said how security sucked, and THAT was the key to opening the enigma that is alice glass for a real conversation. we talked about that show, and how most people blamed the band for peacing out when really it was security's fault in the first place. she noted that she was glad that i knew the truth, and then proceeded to ask me how i liked argentina in general. really alice? you want MY opinion? so we continued chit-chatting it up when some annoying girl who'd been in front of us in line (and who payed double to get in about ten minutes before us) came up and said to me and will "maybe i'll see you guys at deadmau5 tomorrow!" nice try, sneaky...i know you just want me to include you in the conversation that is somehow miraculously taking place right now. well think again. i shooed her off quickly with help from the security guard, who then turned to me and will and asked alice, "are they with you?" and SHE said, "yes, they're with us". amazing amazing amazing. for being such a mysterious figure in my life for the past year or so, considering she doesn't do interviews and people don't even really know her real age (they THINK 1988 birth year), this is probably the most complete slash accomplished i will feel in life for a while. if you're still reading this right now, i applaud you, because i'm sure it doesn't sound as interesting to everyone else as it does to me (i replay it in my head often), and i'll spare you the details of the rest of the weekend (for now). but i repeat, alice glass, i (kind of) know you!
sooo excited for this movie...apparently it was super delayed since max's character didn't go over well with the public. whatever. spike jonze did it so i think it'll be quality. check out the trailer above if you haven't already.
i don't know about you, but i'm in the mood to zone out in a big way this afternoon. so here are ten tuneskies that are super mellow...mellectro, if you will. i will.
alela diane radio on pandora has been my fall-asleep music recently. it's super folky and i loves it. anyways, alela is super duper and i'm going to put some of my fave tracks of hers up here...i know i've done so already, but it never hurts to give a second listen. check her stuff out if you need a break from popraprocktronica...or whatever it is you like to listen to. ps i think she's really creepy looking but whatever.
here are the links to a few covers that i think you may or may not enjoy. hopefully the former, not the latter. anywayz, there's no specific genre to these so shop around and see whatchu like: