
folkin' emo!!!

i really couldn't help listening to a slightly emo playlist as i drove back to shiteous ohio this morning at 6 AM. the weather was crap for the majority of the drive. after i saw the sunrise, rain took over until i hit st. clairesville, oh. so if you're feeling the folky emo vibez too, here's a little sampling:

roslyn-bon iver & st. vincent
i don't feel it anymore-william fitzsimmons
norway-beach house
last song for b-devendra banhart
i can see your tracks-laura veirs
tear tassle ogre heart-ghost bees
brotherhood of man-the innocence mission
the rifle-alela diane
slow life-grizzly bear w/ victoria legrand

ps-can you believe i was able to stay awake after all that?!?

i love this commercial


sportmax gloves


say hello to your friendz

seeing as how it's officially the start of a new holiday season (allegedly the most wonderful time of the year), i figured it would be a timely move to post the babysitters club special christmas video. i'm pretty positive i've posted it before, but seeing stacey get shut down in the form of diabetes never gets old. and they just do so much shopping, i figure it may or may not rub off on you, which may or may not stimulate the economy. i'm just doing my part. so get pumped for the holidays or whatever, and don't forget to say hello to your friends (great advice):


i'm bibio obsessed recently. i first heard lover's carvings a while back and thought it was a fantastic track, but i've only just now started to really get into him. his songs have this amazingly old quality about them, and they all give off this weird balance between vintage and synthetic. definitely worth a listen.


dinner conversations

oh how i loathe the banalities of dinner conversation with my mother. hence my lack of enthusiastic remarks that are required for a two-person conversation, hence maureen's frustration, and hence her strategic maneuver to ruin my life slash bring up after graduation plans. this is not a subject i particularly enjoy, especially while eating, so i excused myself from the dinner table. don't worry, it was just salmon. i'm actually convinced that the burns household is single handedly massacring the entire world's population of salmon. but that's neither here nor there. instead, i'd like to discuss with you the most productive conversation i've had in quite a while, with none other than alexandra nicole michel. i'll break it down for you...pretty much she said, "where should we move that is far away from everyone when we graduate?" so i said, "miami?" and she said, "i was thinking more like thailand." so after a few minutes of tossing around random locations, i decided siberia was the place. we will both become professional tusken raiders; basically we can utilize our natural states of pallor to our advantage by blending in with the natural surroundings of snow and polar bears. then, having naturally camouflaged ourselves, we can shoot passersby and steal their belongings, using what little money we acquire to buy vodka and borscht. then, in our spare time we will raise and train siberian tigers from an igleepee, or an igloo-teepee. being professional tusken raiders we will obviously travel by bantha, which i'm sure run rampant in siberia and not just the fictional planet of tatooine. and if none of this ends up working out, or if i get frostbite and die or get amputated or something, i think the next best bet would be to make a tusken raider-inspired fashion line and become super rich and famous. siberia equals the promised land.

beatz and bleepz: the turkey massacre edition

as this is a holiday weekend for most of us, i thought it would be a nice gesture to present you with an early beatz and bleepz to dance off the tryptophan coma you will likely be enduring for the next few days. just in time for whatever fêtes (that's french for parties wooo) you decide to attend this evening, too! okay, so here you are, some brand new musique pour vous, and remember, show that turkey who's boss on and off the dancefloor:

you should listen to...

...all of these bands i'm about to tell you about. if you are not so much a fan of the typical robotronic mess that i usually blog about, it's your lucky day! because none of these bands fall into that category. so, here is what we've got going:

very truly yours, a band based in chi-city, is made up of five people. they sound very similar to camera obscura and yo la tengo, if those two groups decided to produce musical offspring together. which would be a baby that i would babysit any day. for free even. listen to the following tracks to get a feel for what they're all about:

aaaand next up we have the limes, which, i have to admit, is a rather underwhelming name for a band. if you're going to be a 'the' band, at least make it whelming. or if you're feeling crazy, make it overwhelming. but aside from the name, the limes are super good. they're an transcontinental band, which i guess mostly implies that they bounce ideas back and forth to each other across the atlantic. whatever they're doing works, though, and here are some songs pour vous:

next is back in judy's shack, probably my new favourite duo. they're lo-fi and lovely and very reminiscent of au revoir simone. ch-ch-check them out here:

burning cold (can't listen on hypem but follow the link to DL free)

and last but not least (for this post anyway), we have total babe, some bb's from minneapolis. i digiheart them times a mil for making happy floaty slighty-but-not-too-twee-ish music. here you go:

shoobeedoobeedoowop spanishpop

before i say anything else, i'd just like to notify everyone that the spanish version of 'shoobeedoobeedoowop' would actually be more accurately spelled as 'shubidubiduwap'. but that's neither here nor there. ahhhh spanish indie pop makes me swoon. we can probably blame it on fond thanksgiving memories of last year in argentina that make this year an automatic let-down. here are some of my recent favourites (british spelling! so sophisticated!), and pay special attention to entre rios, a band that has been on repeat in my brain for the last two weeks:



don't worry, it's not "muzak" muzak, but i figured i'd share some mellowed-out (at least, that's what i consider them to be...not bangers) tracks that i've downloaded recently:

*you can usually download all of the tracks i post if you go to the original blog source on hypem...just click 'read full post' and it should take you to a downloadable link.



cria cuervos

i've been pretty obsessed with this song recently, which led me to the movie cria cuervos from 1975. it's a pretty weird film, but i liked it a lot anyway. it jumps around in time and it's hard to tell what's real or not. you can watch it right here (in parts of course):