


skins series five premieres this thursday

perfume ingredients sound imaginary.

linalool, limonene, jojoba esters, cinnamyl. that last one sounds delicious.

anthem du jour

jesus fever-kurt vile

diabetes doesn't take a vacation, stacey.


anthem du jour


we left-rufus


anthem du jour

cheer up-cotton jones

beatz and bleepz: the 'i know, right?!' edition

they're back after weeks of hibernation! that's because my american weekends have consisted of the following: family bonding, PBS and beer, and/or reunions with people who are allergic to electronic music. probably won't be much different this weekend, but i'm getting the eff out of here soon enough. so let's shake the dust off our dancing shoes and get started, shall we?

you can dance-gonzales
metropol-christoph andersson
the king is back-charles I
bridge-afrojack & bobby burns
konami girl-neo tokyo
sheila-mr. oizo and gaspard auge
back to basics-tightshirt
new output-sferro

cuando no conseguimos apagar la mente...

...empiezan los problemas.


anthem du jour

was revisiting my latin american favourites today and stumbled upon a nice little lasser drakar remix of 'fiesta permanente' by pau y amigos (i've blogged the original at least once before i think), asi que here you go:

life ruiners for 01/20/2011

things that are ruining my life today: grocery shopping with maureen.

things that are ruining the world's life today:

score for the day: megan burns-zero, world-zeroer, mafia-zeroest

yes i would like to be paid in wishes, please

this includes but is not limited to all wishes made with:
  • wells, fountains and all coins thrown into them
  • eyelashes
  • white dandelions
  • train tracks
  • birthday candles
  • shooting stars


anthem du jour

because apparently air is all i listen to these days, here's 'j'ai dormi sous l'eau':

life ruiners for 01/19/2011

things that are ruining my life today: nothing really...gas prices if i really had to dig, but the 1/2 price diet coke from sonic that i got this afternoon kind of cancels that out.

things that are ruining the world's life today: pretty much the same stuff as yesterday.

things that are ruining africa's life today: cote d'ivoire. and tunisia, but mostly cote d'voire.

current score:
megan burns-one!, world-zero


anthem du jour part deux

pretty much the entire cut copy album has been my anthem du jour, with 'hanging onto every heartbeat' in double particular. ps, i probably would've liked somewhere a lot better if sofia coppola had decided to use 'zonoscope' as the soundtrack. but she didn't, so i still hate it.

all i really want is to learn the versailles glide.

life ruiners for 01/18/2011

things that are ruining my life today: communist alarm clocks. the dentist. the seven beers i drank yesterday.

things that are ruining the world's life today:

current score: megan burns-zero, world-zeroer, baby doc-zeroest

anthem du jour

because the dentist ripped my face off but for some (very miraculous) reason i was able to enter into a deep meditative state by repeating the chorus of steve winwood's "higher love" in my head over and over and over for three hours.


life ruiners for 01/17/2011

things that are ruining my life today: the impending doom of ice, sleet, snow (craftily referred to as a wintry mix), and the impending doom of my dentist appointment tomorrow.

things that are ruining the world's life today:

current score: megan burns-zero, world-zeroer

johnny deep: johnny depp's spanish alter-ego.

everything is terrible: installment 1

i watched this episode of crosstalk this morning; it talks about currency wars and whether or not the dollar is "a product of the past" as chinese president hu jintao has indicated. SEE FOR YOURSELF. i don't really know what to conclude except for the obvious: everything is terrible. in the meantime, let's all go to hong kong anyway.

FEEL BAD BONUS: because it wouldn't be fair to leave our european friends out from feeling bad about failing currencies! sucks to be you, germany...your back must be getting tired.

on the plus side, a large portion of the world being broke kind of takes the sting out of being broke on an individual level.

*ps if i commit to these 'everything is terrible' posts it will be the easiest thing ever. endless material to work with, especially if you watch international news instead of the american kind.

anthem(s) du jour

a mellowed out tribute to gerry rafferty w/ undersea poem's cover of 'baker street'

Undersea Poem - Baker Street by SixDegreesRecords

followed up by another zone out track, 'echo's answer' by broadcast

Broadcast – Echo's Answer by cecurran


anthem du jour

sing sang sung-air (total opposite of the weather outside)

the art of rick rolling for modern times

how many of you have been rick rolled in your lifetime? i have been rick rolled on multiple occasions. it can be a frustrating experience if you don't enjoy rick astley's smash hit "never gonna give you up"; fortunately i enjoy the song, so being rr'd hasn't driven me to the edge of insanity yet. YET. but if you feel you're teetering on the verge of a mental breakdown due to incessant rick rolls, i'm here to tell you how to take back control.

personally i'm getting pretty bored with the standard youtube rick rolls; it's 2011, and we need to go bigger and better. so, here are some methods i've created to shake the dust off the art of rick rolling and kick it up a notch.

for my first modern take on the rick roll, i suggest you do some research to find your enemies' work email addresses. create your own false email address (gmail is a no-brainer, but feel free to get more creative) and develop a sophisticated alter-ego; this means you'll need a fancy name, perhaps a monocle, handlebar mustache, money-filled tophat and of course, a pitch. message your victims from the POV of this wealthy alter-ego and describe your problem that for some reason can only be solved by an entry-level recent college graduate. is it logical? no. but will your enemy fall for it? well let's see...they're poor, narcissistic and dying for a promotion...so basically the answer is: absolutely. keep the emails up until you're completely positive your target has taken the bait. hopefully you've gotten coworkers (ideally the boss) involved at this point, too. then, when it comes to discussing the details of the project or monetary compensation, point them in the direction of a helpful youtube video and then BAM! rick roll the shit out of them. rickvenge, if you will.

and who says rick rolling has to stay confined to a computer screen in the first place? my second updated method of the rick roll can be used in any variety of real life situations. i suggest you use it to your advantage when you're in a bad spot, like a rapidly tanking job interview. simply continue your dialogue calmly and once you've reached a mid-sentence point, leap out of your chair and belt out "never gonna give you up"; throw in some dance moves as you seamlessly head for the door. this method can similarly be applied to any number of social interactions gone horribly wrong, i.e. stand-up comedy routines, speeches, breakups, awkward silences, etc.

in a nutshell, the rick roll was invented to make a fool out of you, me and rick astley. but i think i've demonstrated that you can save your dignity (and mine and rick astley's) by taking matters into your own hands. new motto? 2011: the year of the rick roll. because we're never gonna give you up, rick astley. never.


anthem du jour part deux

come wander with me-jeff alexander (sung by bonnie beecher in an episode of the twilight zone)

anthem du jour

eclipse total del amor-lisette (because total eclipse of the heart defies language barriers)

two weeks in america and i already want to die


necessary reblog: vivian maier, photographer

i've seen this video floating around the internet for a few days and because of its apparent popularity i didn't want to blog about it. HOWEVER, i will make an exception to my usual anti-bandwagon rule because this woman's photographs are really amazing. slash she really does sound like a magical real-life mary poppins.

imaginary movie tag lines installment 1

deli meat strikes back II: your liverwurst nightmare is about to come true. again.

bizarre last supper requests: james reynolds

a series of photographs by james reynolds documenting strange last meal requests for prisoners. the last one is the best, in my opinion. more here.

relaxing voices installment 4: tom hanks.

i am almost 23. this is unfortunate.

and this gruesome sandwich-eating mutant

...named OPEN FACE.

anthem du jour

tommib-squarepusher (never gets old)


anthem du jour

caregiver-memoryhouse (for the monday times)

NYE beer times gif courtesy of dakota fine


the only scene in somewhere that i liked

don't you hate that? uncomfortable silences.

peace be with you...? or something like that.

maureen tricked me into going to church with her last night in georgetown. it was pretty much the worst but i had to go because she said it was either that or no thai food and so i said okay. and so we walked up and we were late and maureen thinks she saw the exorcist or a ghost or maybe somebody's shadow that fell off like that one time in peter pan but i didn't see it so i don't even really know.

there was some kid sitting in front of me and he was that kind of kid that stares at you the whole time and it makes you want to punch everyone in the face but instead you stare at the ceiling and out the windows and maybe that's how god feels during mass too. if i were god i would feel like that.

and then there's the part where strangers try to hold your hand because they think it makes the prayers work better like when you put aluminum foil on a tv antenna or like a seance only probably not because god would be pissed if he thought you were doing a seance. i like to pretend like my hands got chopped off in an industrial accident instead. but then there's people who stand by themselves and hold their arms out like they're holding invisible hands and it's really annoying because they're like those kids in class who are like look at me i know the answer and i have braces too.

and then peace be with you time. that is the worst part. you have to tell people you don't even know "peace be with you" but you don't even really know for sure if you want peace to be with them because they could be a real asshole but suddenly because they're in church you have to tell them things you don't even really mean. and then you have to shake their hands too which i don't even understand why you do that except maybe it's like an award but then where is the certificate if that's true.

and you have to pray for all these people you don't know but someone wrote their names down in this book so you have to do it. but then you look around and no one is even paying attention anyways. and what is the difference between praying and wishing. maybe it's like an election where i didn't vote but that guy lost by one vote and now i'm supposed to feel pretty bad. THE END.

sometimes i get sad about skeletons