
say hello to your friends, babysitters club...

alex and i did this amazing rendition of the babysitters club themesong friday night. all that's missing is the fade-in to kristy's dumb house, and of course the cord phone. and mallory. where is she now?

*ps, those are definitely alligators that we're using as microphones. innovative.


prada marfa-store as sculpture

awesome. let's go to there.

creepy 90's tv intros

let's do! ps i really actually want this...anyways, on the 90's note i'd just like to say that the main reason i'm excited for caroline's visit is so that we can complete the long-talked-about project of making a 90's sitcom intro. don't know what i'm talking about? well, have you ever watched the likes of full house, step by step, or family matters? if not, i'd just like to say "how rude". during the infamous intros, all the characters are doing something like reading a book, or in michelle's case, playing with comet the dog, and then suddenly they creepily look up and smile as if to say, "oh, hello america, i didn't see you there!". i don't know what my random action will be yet, but i can tell you it's going to be good, it's going to be 90's, and it's going to be creepy.



UGH i want to GOOOOO. Amber and Shae, if you don't go to this, i will mentally punch both of you in the face. i'm looking up flights as we speak.


"i like the sun, it's very sunny today"

even though this is a lame reebok sponsored interview, which mainly pushes for the sale of freestyles, i still liked some of the questions they asked. and i liked that it was conducted in french with english subtitles. she sounds super creepy in her interviews spoken in english. anyways, i don't really have any issues with freestyles. in fact, i would like to own a pair or five. but seeing as how i'm poor, that may have to be put on hold. ps, if you're ignorant and don't know what "fringe" is, it's what those crazy brits call bangs. i think i prefer the word fringe to bangs.

chicle de menta

this is like, the worst/best music video ever...it gives me hope that one day i too can harness the power of the green screen. regardless of quality, i'm still a big maria daniela y su sonido lasser fan, and i wish there would be more US cities added to the tour. oh well. just another reason i need to move someplace that is not america.


turn around, actually don't...

so i went to chi-city this weekend under the impression i'd actually get to hang out in the skyscraper area. false. i got to hang out at a leadership conference with a group leader who i strongly believe had a lobotomy. highlights of this bleak experience included making up a new and semi-inappropriate version of total eclipse of the heart, turning my fellow brainwashed yuppie freakos against kracked out kate (lobotomy lady), and this video i've posted above. plz enjoy. if you want to skip the commentary, which lasts a longish time, i'd head straight for the good part, when the second truck pulls into the parking lot towards the end. good tymez.


handmade nation

this is the stop motion intro for the documentary "handmade nation". it sounds pretty cool. it goes across the country, following this recent phenomenon of indie crafting and diy. i think the only screening so far is the premiere in sanfran, but i hope they add more soon...

only in japan...

i love japan even more after having seen this bizarre video of a robot conference. my favorite is the robot that can dance. and be programmed to follow you around the house. but that freaking scorpion robot is the dumbest invention of all time. why would any child want to play with that? if you bought me that scorpion robot i would stomp on it, or make bear grylls eat it. but anyways, enjoy this video and think about when robots take over the planet. that's gonna get weird. ps, do you think japanese robots wear japanese talking watches? i bet they do...everyone should.

no bandaids allowed

if anyone wants to join my band, i've decided to start one. mind you, i know nothing about music, but that's never stopped me from serenading other young business professionals with my heart-wrenching renditions of damas gratis classics. speaking of damas gratis, i might pull a pablito lescano and start toting around a keytaur. perhaps i'll bedazzle it in a big way. okay but back to the band idea. my previous ideas have included starting a typewriter orchestra, but that would involve going back to argentina to purchase a wide variety of cheap typewriters from various ferias. and typewriters can be cumbersome*. but now what i'm thinking is either electro-folk (combining my two favorite genres of all time) or just collecting a bunch of different sounds for a year and then launching them into a symphony of awesomeness. thoughts? you can try out for this band by either bringing me a sound you've collected, singing karaoke into my lasonic boombox (song choices include the babysitter's club theme song, total eclipse of the heart, or the hulkamaniac song), or you can just tell me you've always dreamed of being a roadie and you'll probably get in automatically. (but you'll never be "in-in" in the band) so there you have it. that's my current idea. and one other idea which is that i think we should all start wearing native american headdresses. maybe this can be incorporated into the future almost-existent band.

*cumbersome is a weird word but it sounds like what it means. unless you were to say cucumbersome, and then i think that changes the meaning.

alice glass we digiheart you

oh, alice glass. so mysterious. glad i captured her smiling in this photog. she's from the year 1988 like myself. at 14 she changed her name and her age and she ran away and lived off the land or whatever. except by land i really mean to say with a bunch of crazy drug addicts because she wanted to live primitively, and naturally primitive equals drugs and punk rock. she doesn't do too many interviews, but i really liked this one that i found. totally going to introduce "big into it" into my every day speech. example: q-"how're you liking you're europe and war class?" a-"i'm not big into it." on the note of introducing new expressions into my daily blabber, i've decided to use the movie "heathers" as a good starting point. best movie eva. so very.

eclipse total del amor

i will never get tired of this video. or of total eclipse of the heart. although, i do prefer the original by bonnie tyler. great music video, too. it's like they made a video of my life.


meet yoann

yoann lemoine is one of my fave photog's. his main scene is movie production...he does a lot of animation, stop motion, things like that. he directed the music video for yelle's ce jeu (big fan). his illustrations are pretty cool, check them out if you get a minute, but i like his photogs the best. you can visit his myspace as well...

i want to go to there

why don't i live in miami? slash why am i wasting my youth sitting on a hill in ohio?

beatz and bleepz

things i'm listening to that maybe you would like to listen to also:

*and yes, i do own this novelty oversized 1983 lasonic boombox made for ipods...
**most of this music sounds like robots talking...so if you don't like how robots sound when they talk, well, maybe these jamz aren't for you

dans la mer du japon

if my life were perfect, i would own one of these japanese talking watches. i think everyone should own one in case an emergency situation arises where it's necessary to know how to tell the time in japanese. i feel these kinds of situations are highly probable.