
beatz and bleepz: the plastic plates edition

this one's totally loaded with plastic plates remixes because they're pretty much the best thing to happen to my itunes in a while. ENJOI.

social studies (plastic plates rmx)-body language

chronicling a compulsive liar part one.

"i'm really into efficiency. i once befriended a foreign exchange student solely based on the fact that he looked like a highly efficient walker. i wanted to learn his technique so i could spend less time in transit; being efficient in inconsequential, mundane tasks can in actuality help you to extend your lifespan. not so much in terms of numerical age, but more in terms of being able to accomplish more living over a shorter period of time. for example, i plan to have lived the life of an eighty year old by the time i turn fifty.

my obsession with efficiency is part of the reason why i have a real disdain for fashion; it makes it much more difficult to apply efficiency in the way of building social relationships. i once befriended a quite stylish person only to realize that the clothes were all a facade, and that there was nothing beneath the surface that was even remotely interesting. but by then it was too late, and i was stuck with, in essence, a mannequin following me around for years. it's a very unfortunate thing when people aren't up front with you about how uninteresting they are."

the english language makes no sense really.

for instance:
  • joe. roe. toe. woe. doe. hoe. poe. shoe?!
  • aid. laid. paid. raid. maid. said?!
  • and. hand. land. stand. band. sand. wand?!
  • ware. hare. dare. stare. fare. are?!
  • town. gown. down. own?!

things i did that you can do too if you want.

listen to wind chimes on your headphones when you are walking around on a windy day. and then you will feel like you are a wind chime instead of a person. THE END.

this is a manhattan bound f train. or so i'm told.

everyone should sit on subway trains more often. you realize a lot of things when people are yawning or staring into space or stumbling because of the brakes.


i don't know what kind of day this was like.

people will usually tell you that their lives were changed forever on days that were just like any other day, but what does "anyotherday" even mean in the first place? i tried to look it up in the dictionary once, but dictionaries only do you so much good before you realize words are just these things we invented. and the things we invent are usually made from pieces of plastic in places like china and bangladesh, and i was always told to buy american. so i don't really know what kind of day this was like.

future robot moses: let my people ufo.

ps this is what i like to do in america.