


i wish i was wearing sunscreen all the time.

i heard these things at this hotel one time and they went like this: "i am getting my hair blown out on thursday." and "i thought you weren't drinking tonight." and "my budget is ten thousand." and "what are you all dressed up for?"

but then my ears got all full of champagne. so i couldn't really hear anymore.


today i met grace coddington and her red hair. my internal organs ceased to function and my hands shook and my mouth was smiling while i told her things that made minimal sense. she said thank you. i said have a good day.


"her voice always sounded as if it were falling in drops, not of water, but of mayonnaise."


i heard there was supposed to be a general strike today, so i went bowling and lit matches and went prospecting for oil and gold. but then i found out that it just means that you're supposed to do nothing, which made me glad because i'm not very good at baseball.