
beatz and bleepz

how rude of me not to give you some weekend jamz on christmas! oh well, here they are, a bit late but danceable all the same:

jason cox non-remix quilombo
kimberly-good luck at the gunfight
raven-cajuan (posted before, but i just love it so much)

child prodigy

so i was rummaging around the child artwork drawer last night as a result of extreme boredom and i found lots of evidence that i was in fact a child pro
digy. not surprising, i'm aware. the first thing i found was a list written by an anonymous member of the burns children entitled "my promises". it reads as follows:

1. clean the yard when dad moes
2. get the paper on sunday
3. help with shopping bags
4. help plant seeds (?)
5. make your lunch (whose lunch???)
6. LOVE YOU (this part is surrounded by hearts)

good promises, all legitimate i suppose. i also found a stockpile of letters to santa, the tooth fairy, and the easter bunny. quinn's letters to the tooth fairy are always the most entertaining. for example, i found this one:

"dear tooth fairy,
can i have two dollars this is my nineth (nine-eth...awesome) tooth.
give megan in the crib a qurtar"

how generous of her, assuming that 'qurtar' is supposed to indicate 'quarter'. i also found a santa response letter to one of mine that must have been every parent's worst nightmare, because i guess i posed some difficult questions such as, how does santa get in our house, why is rudolph's nose so red, why do reindeer fly, etc. my favorite is the response to the 'why is rudolph's nose so red' question:

"rudolph's nose is just glowy! even i don't know why. he's just a special guy."

evasive. i like it. i also found a list generated by my kindergarten class on mother's day stating all the reasons we loved our mothers. my only reasons listed were that, "she helped me find a shark's tooth and she goes with me to burger king." cool. i'm glad our relationship has such strong foundations. the other great thing i found was a really old valentines card made by my dad when he was little. it says:

"happy velientines (alien valentine's?) day
dear mother and dad i love you. this is from mike. (insert drawing of a heart-shaped cowboy standing on a fire engine and carrying an ambulance with a heart in the middle in his right hand.) this is the story of the milk man. (two more fire engine drawings now)one day the milk man came and my dog bit him and the milk man went into the house. he told my father on my dog. (insert drawing of a heart w/ an arrow through it)"

so apparently the moral of that story (which also proves that child prodigy-ism runs in the family), was that tattle tales suck and will grow up to be milk men. the end.

children are so smart that they seem dumb by adult standards. oh ps, here is a picture of the contract quinn made me sign at the age of 5 to make me promise we'd be sisters AND best friends for life. very official.


happy christmas!

happy christmas sounds kind of strange if you don't have a british accent, but it's all part of my 2010 plan to start spelling only the british way and using only british phrases. you get the idea, anyway. i am pleased to inform you that after today i will be part of the iphone krew thanks to 'santa' aka maureen...she had such a hard time getting the damn thing that she may or may not have told (more like threatened) a best buy worker that she was going to kill someone. other winner gifts of today included a usb vinyl archiver from my aunt stephanie that i've wanted for forever. she also sent over a polaroid camera, another thing i've wanted for a while even though the film is RIP, and a stack of old family polaroids. the best one is definitely a photo of me surrounded by tiny airplane sized liquor bottles around the age of 8...i look like a total baby alcoholic. i was just smelling them, though, i swear! okay so my gift to you today is a slew of the cutest videos ever which i may or may not have stolen from alida's super blog...they are of a four year old french girl named capucine. totally adorable. the first one is season-appropriate, although i'm pretty sure she nicked all her santa secrets from the santa clause movie, but whatever. if you want to watch the first two, you have to follow the links to vimeo. the third one is equally adorable and you can watch it right here wup wup wup!

Les secrets du Père Noël - Santa's secrets from Capucha on Vimeo.

Fooling the toothfairy from Capucha on Vimeo.

Once upon a time... from Capucha on Vimeo.


xmas songs that make you not want to vom

it does not feel at all like christmas to me, which is absurd since there is about two feet of snow on the ground, the tree is all decorated (a record for the burns family, trust me...), and maureen's poorly-hidden gifts are strewn about the house. i'm a little concerned about the box addressed to me from 'electric guitar world'...definitely didn't ask for an electric guitar, definitely don't want one. but that's neither here nor there. i've been watching christmas movies all day and am about to embark on a baking extravaganza the likes of which this house has never seen, but in the meantime i figured i'd throw together a little less-traditional christmas-y (slash wintry) playlist. there's only so much bing crosby i can take before i start to wish i was jewish (speaking of which, i have to go order chinese food for dinner. yummmmmm.) ps please note the photo of the festive and fun-loving dinosaurs...i found them building snowmen in my backyard and had them pose for a shot. okay so here you go:
sister winter-sufjan stevens (just wait til this hits 2:58...epic)

and if what sounds like the soundtrack to a very serious 80's xmas appeals to you, here you go:

AND if you wish you were someplace warm slash in latin america like i kind of do...



i have so much boredommm. i can't go home until tomorrow morning, and this campus is literally what i imagine things will be like when the world ends (aka dead). so naturally to pass the time i have been drawing dinosaurs on pistachios shells that i put on top of my fingernails, and i'm having a staring contest with the michael jackson tribute poster. he's winning. i hope the ghost doesn't come get me since i think i'm the only one in my building right now...and yes, there is a ghost. a for real ghost who ruins our lives and who i would trade for a burglar any day. okay that's all i wanted to say. or, i guess that wasn't saying so much as complaining, but whatever.


beatz and bleepz: the i'm dying edition

during the next twenty-six hours i have at least fifteen pages of research to look forward to. can i do it? debatable. will this music help? possibly. hence the early posting of this week's beatz and bleepz. and we will now be featuring the jason cox section, because he always complains about the amount of remixes. so all the non-remixes will be under that section. and here we go:

jason cox non-remix extravaganza:

*ps jason cox has not endorsed any of the jason cox non-remix extravaganza tracks. but if he doesn't like them, it's his own fault for doubting the power of the remix.


venn diagramz

my usual opinion of venn diagrams is that they are lame, but these have (slightly) made me reconsider my negative outlook:

this first one is a nerd venn diagram. according to this, i am a dweeb.

the second one is for mythical creatures. practical. i repeat, dweeb.


so good...

don't know how i missed this matamatics remix of 'headlock', but here it is:


beatz and bleepz

just in time to dance the night away. because that's what my ideal night would consist of. dancing the night away. ps, that's kind of a weird thing to say. does that statement imply that if you dance hard and/or fast enough the night will physically disappear? i hope not...daytime blowz. here you go:

...and to finish off the night, i leave you with this DOUBLE HEADER remix of tricky tricky. tricky, i know.

...PLUS i'll leave you with this little number:


just because...

i just watched y tu mamá también for the first time. i thought it was pretty good. i liked the parts where they were driving and just being quiet and looking at things, and the part where luisa meets that old woman who tells her she has a nice name.