
i'm alive i swear

i realize i haven't posted anything in a ridiculously long time, but i'm HOPING to be more consistent in the near future. this byt thing is quickly becoming my life! want to see what i've been up to? go to the website and check out some of my interviews and concert reviews. so far i've been to see jenny lewis/deer tick, and then i saw peaches on wednesday. amazing show. and then saturdays i spend @ the capitol skyline pool for our summer camp pool partiez. you should check them out if you haven't already. $10 for a day at the pool (a very nice pool at that). plus there's always day drinking if you're into that (everything's $5 and under, i highly recommend the sangria). and you can hang out with ME! anyways, in the spirit of my absence i'll leave you with a few jamz:
hot (treasure fingers rmx)-big gipp
triangle walks (allez allez rmx)-fever ray
gifted (treasure fingers rmx)-n.a.s.a
audacity of huge (naum gabo rmx)-simian mobile disco

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