
kidnap baby goats

so this band kidnap kids doesn't even need an introduction from me. here is their 'about us (slash me? i forget what they call it on myspace these days)' section:
Kidnap Kids is alie and celina! those two are basically just a coupla wise guys from the bronx. street smart and tough, they know their way around a guitar and xylophone, respectively. their lifelong dream is to play music to a crowd of people who are all ferociously making out. They also think it's cool to be smart.
the secret thing about kidnap kids is that they keep changing their name, but it's only because they have a secret crush on you. They have referred to themselves as the following: bears and chairs, beggars and chairs, de-luxembourg, mrs. vampire weekend, ratboy, and probably more. Do alie and celina like making up names as much as they like making up songs? is that boy in the corner wearing mascara or was he born with really long eyelashes? i can't remember if elephants have knees or not, do you remember? what do you want to be when you grow up?
all of these are viable questions, and i think you know what the answer is.

yes. yes i do know what the answer is to all of these questions. and the answer to any 'what should i listen to now' questions you may be struggling with currently is simple. kidnapkids! (and i don't mean that in like, the you-should-go-kidnap-some-children way. if that even occurred to you, you're probs a big weirdo and i think i don't want you reading my blog anymore. just kidding you can still read it.) okay and the cover of crank that (soulja boy DUH) is a.maz.ing, so listen to that shiz.

crank that

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