
in honor of the heathers sequel...

in honor of the confirmation of a heathers sequel, i've decided to post the original for your viewing pleasure. if you don't like heathers, you are a pillowcase and i hate you. this is the first part, and here is the link to start watching the rest via youtube. ps i think it might skip ahead a few minutes to martha dumptruck's humiliation with the football team, but you should already know what happens...basically she gets fooled into believing one of them has a thing for her (c'mon, martha, let's be realistic here...) because the heathers utilize veronica's sick handwriting forgery skillz to trick her with a fake love note. i had to switch to a different user's videos because this clown above only posted half the movie, and the one with the entire thing disabled embedding. what a n00b. if it really bugs you, click on this link to go to the full version @ youtube.

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