
japanese talking watch!!!

did i ever tell you about the best day of my life when i finally received this in the mail??? i don't think that i ever did, so i will proceed to do so now. okay, well. the watch came, i put it on, and i proceeded to push the talking button. it takes about 30-45 seconds for the japanese lady to tell you what time it is, so in that sense it's pretty impractical. but in all other senses, it's fantastic. i've found myself seeking out japanese people in hopes that they need to know what time it is. unfortunately, there are not very japanese people in these parts. mostly just overweight ohioans. i like to wear my watch on a daily basis. it comes especially in handy when the conversation lulls and things are just about to get silent and awkward. but THEN i wow them with "hey, want to know what time it is in japanese? okay cool i thought so." some people, after i proudly relay the time in digital japanese, give me blank stares or raised eyebrows. i know that they are just masking their amazement and jealousy. kind of like you're probably doing right now if you're still reading this. THE END. oh, and i'm still really bitter that it never went on sale for like a year and then all of a sudden it JUST dropped in price. bullshit. and totally the story of my life.

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